1. This is the offspring of the family of Nicolas who has become
Like the full moon in the expanse of graves whispering,
١. هَذا سَليلُ بَنِي نِقولا قَد غَدا
كَالبَدرِ في طَيِّ المَقابرِ يُرمَسُ
2. To his brother Ibrahim embraced and so
In the divine throne embraced them the Most Holy Place,
٢. لِأَخيهِ اِبراهيمَ ضُمَّ وَهَكذا
في العَرشِ ضَمَّهُما المَقامُ الأَقدَسُ
3. He has visited his generous Creator leaving behind
On earth the memory of virtues that do not fade,
٣. قَد زارَ خالِقَهُ الكَريمِ مخلِّفاً
في الأَرضِ ذكرَ مَكارمٍ لا تَدرُسُ
4. So call upon him, announce his name giving good news
You are the one brought near unto us, O Peter.
٤. فَدَعا بِهِ أرِّخ نَداهُ مُبَشِّراً
أَنتَ المُقَرَّبُ عِندَنا يا بُطرسُ