
O four doves watering the valley with its slopes

يا أربع الخيف يسقي الماء واديها

1. O four doves watering the valley with its slopes
And the tears of lovers watering it

١. يا أَربُعَ الخيفِ يَسقي الماءَ واديها
بِسَفحه وَدِما العُشاقِ تَسقيها

2. If that has not cooled the heat of my longing
Then my tears have flowed to irrigate it

٢. إِن كانَ ذَلِكَ لَم يُبرِد مَعاهِدَها
مِن نارِ شَوقي فَدَمعي سالَ يَرويها

3. My heart has a covenant that remained by its side
Ablaze with passion, burning yet protecting it

٣. مَعاهِدٌ لِيَ قَلبٌ ظَلَّ جانِبَها
بِالوَجدِ مُضطَرِماً يُحمى وَيُحميها

4. The loved ones in the protected coverings broke
The hearts of all their lovers

٤. أَفدى الدِّمَى في مصونِ الحُجبِ قَد كَسَرَتْ
الحاظُها كلَّ قَلبٍ مِن مُحبّيها

5. They have my love that purifies and the fervor of passion
That settled earnestly in my ribs, praying to it

٥. لَهُنَّ عِندي هَوىً يُزَكي وَطيسَ جَوىً
في أَضلُعٍ جَدّ فيها الوَجدُ يُصليها

6. Beauties that emerged as houris in their paradise
I would sacrifice myself for them, how radiant is their appearance

٦. كَواعِبٌ طَلَعَت حُوراً بِجنَّتِها
تُفدى بِنَفسي فَما أَبهى تَجَلّيها

7. Friendly women in the Arabian coolness
Adorning the brilliance of pearls in their loftiness

٧. أَوانِسٌ في بُرودِ العُربِ ناعِمَةٌ
تُزري زُهاءَ الدَّراري في أَعاليها

8. Every lover has suffered injustice from their aloofness
We know not the misery of love were it not for their disdain

٨. ظَلَمنَ كُلَّ مُحبٍ بِالجَفاء وَما
نَدري شَقاءُ الهَوى لَولا تَجافيها

9. I entrust to God an eye in loving them
That watches the stars and the course of tears bloodying it

٩. اِستَودِعُ اللَهَ عَيناً في مَحَبَّتِها
تَرعى النُجومَ وَمَجرى الدَمعِ يُدميها

10. No messenger came to me from their lightning women
Except she had flowing tears responding to her suffering

١٠. فَما أَتاني رَسولٌ مِن بَوارِقِها
إلّا جَرَت فَأَجابتهُ مَآقيها

11. The darling of the people, is there any sympathy to a thin body
That sickness of longing has made frail, wasting its intestines?

١١. رَيحانة القَومِ هَل عَطفٌ عَلى دَنِفٍ
قَد شَفَّهُ سُقمُ أَشواقٍ يُقاسيها

12. It carried the burdens of a passion that left no sorrow
Except remnants of ribs that came to heal them

١٢. أَنضاهُ محمل وَجدٍ لَم يَدَع أَسَفاً
إِلّا بَقايا ضُلوعٍ جاءَ يُبريها

13. Perhaps from you is a healing drink for the intimacy
Passion has spent my essence invoking it

١٣. لَعَلَّ لِلأُنس كَأساً مِنكِ شافِيةً
جَوانِحاً بِكِ باتَ الوَجد يُذكيها

14. I love you not turning away from loving you
At times, nor my soul turning away from you comes to dissuade it

١٤. أَهواكَ لا العَذلُ عَن حُبّيكَ يَعطفني
حيناً وَلا النَفسُ عَنكَ البَرح يَثنيها

15. My passion and confusion have blessed it
With the agony of hardship that folds me and I fold it

١٥. نَجِيُ شَوقٍ وَأَطرابٌ نَعِمتَ لَها
بِلَوعةِ الكَربِ تَطويني وَأَطويها

16. Patience, O my burning soul, with its captivity
Upon grief, for it is my remedy against its afflictions

١٦. صَبراً أيا رُوحيَ الحَرّى بِصَبْوتِها
عَلى الضَّنَى فَهوَ طِبِّي مِن نَواحيها

17. I swear I will not spend the night except as a specter
With exhausted strength, melting intestines, bloodying it

١٧. أَبِيت وَاللَهِ إِلا أَن أَبيت شبح
واهِي القُوى ذائبَ الأَحشاءِ دَامِيها

18. The affliction of separation bloomed as a flower for its lover
So I did not say: O my torment in the grief, woe to it!

١٨. راقَ البلَى في الأَسى وَرداً لِعاشِقها
فَلَم أَقُلْ يا عَذابي في الأَسى إِيها

19. Grief, passion, sleeplessness, and the heat of echo upon me
And the captivity of a misfortune pouring from its wells

١٩. ضَنىً وَوَجدٌ وَسَهدٌ بي وَحُرُّ صَدَىً
وَصَبوَةُ حَتفِ صَبٍّ مِن مَجانيها

20. To you, O her eyelash, a heart melting in grief
And a infatuated inner self that became a drawing in loving it

٢٠. إَلَيكَ يا طَرفَها قَلباً يُذاب أَسىً
وَمُهجةٌ أَصبَحَت رَسماً بَحِبّيها

21. I have made in it the knott of sublime love
Upon the spontaneity of a passion I do not disobey

٢١. عَقَدتُ فيها بُنودَ الحُبِّ ساميةً
عَلى صَبابةِ عشقٍ لا أُعاصِيها

22. May God not grant me a heart enjoying its calmness
Nor did I obey my advisor in resisting it

٢٢. لا مَتَّعَ اللَهُ لي قَلباً بِسَلوَتِها
وَلا أَطَعتُ نَصيحي في تَصابيها

23. My people aim foolishly
To be absolved of the murder of a wound that appeared in it

٢٣. يَرومُ قَومِي بِالسُلوانِ عَن عَبَثٍ
بُرءاً لِقَتَّالِ جَرحٍ برؤُهُ فِيها

24. That you may show sympathy one day to the sufferer, for he
Has loved for you with his soul that he would sacrifice

٢٤. أَنْ تَحْنِ يَوماً بِعَطفٍ لِلشَجِيِّ فَقَد
أَحَبَت لَها عاشِقاً بِالروحِ يَفديها

25. A beloved girl from the beauties of the valley, for her sake
Our blood is permitted in love, and the gaze guards it

٢٥. رَبيبةٌ مِن دُمَى الوادي تَحِلّ لَها
دِماؤُنا في الهَوى وَاللَحظُ حاميها

26. My heart went astray in her beautiful valley, so it found not
A way to guidance away from gathering and her valley

٢٦. ضلَّ الفُؤادُ بِواديها الأَنيقِ فَلا
لَقى سَبيلَ الهُدى عَن هَضمِ واديها

27. A flock to the purity of nights of meeting that surpassed
Where the smiles of wishes in her valleys

٢٧. رَعياً لِصَفوِ لَيال بِاللُقا سَبَقَتْ
حَيثُ اِبتسام الأَماني في بَواديها

28. A lightning appeared then vanished, gushing rain
With which tears flowed that sweetened its well

٢٨. بَرقٌ بَدا ثُمَّ وَلَّى نازِفاً مَطراً
سالَت بِهِ عَبرَةٌ لي طابَ هاميها

29. O how often my drink tasted pleasant in its thickets
If the purity of my bliss were complete in its proximity

٢٩. يا طالَما لَذَّ كَأسي في أَجارِعِها
لَو تَمَّ صافي هَنائِي في تَدانيها

30. A life whose eras we spent friendly
According to purpose, our proximity reciprocated it

٣٠. عَيشٌ عَهدِنا بِهِ الأَوطارَ سانِحَةً
حَسْبَ المَرامِ تَدانِينا فَنَرميها

31. Eras of a soul that longs for wishes confusedly
While the soul seeks them fancifully with its wishes

٣١. أَوطارُ نَفسٍ لَها تَصبو المُنى طَرَباً
وَالنَفسُ تَستامُها لَهواً أَمانيها

32. By God O breezes of incense you have carried
In the breath, the scent of flowers from its hilltops

٣٢. بِاللَهِ يا نَسَمات البانِ قَد حَمَلَت
في النَفحِ طيبَ الخُزامَى مِن رَوابيها

33. Blow upon the weakness of one wasted away in love, a toil
That has exhausted his organs, longing revives it

٣٣. هبِّي عَلى وَهنِ مُضنَىً بِالهَوى نَصبٌ
أَفنى جَوارِحَهُ شَوقٌ فَتُحييها

34. My heart raves with the mention of her and her spacious
Tears expand with the length of passion at my mention of it

٣٤. يَهيمُ قَلبي بِذكراها وَأوسَعُهُ
بمدمعي طُول وَجدٍ عندَ ذِكريها

35. I am true to my old covenant of love
And if the era of my company has passed in its nights

٣٥. إِني عَلى عَهديَ الماضي أَليفُ هَوىً
وَإِن مَضى عَهدُ أُنسي في لَياليها

36. Time is lost in vain, woe to me and my grief
In the captivity that made my hair grey from its misfortunes

٣٦. ضاعَ الزَمانُ سُدىً وَيلاهُ وَاأَسَفِي
في صَبوةٍ شابَ رَأسي مِن دَواهيها

37. It spent my youth and poetry, love from nations
Other than high doors whose greatness I envy

٣٧. أَفنى شَبابي وَشعري الحُبّ عَن أُمَمٍ
خَلا قَوافٍ لبابِ الشاهِ أعزيها

38. The glorious, lofty, grand state, the accomplished king
Climbing to the highest position of its peaks

٣٨. الماجدُ المُتَسامي الدولة الملك الر
راقي إِلى سِدَّةٍ أَعلى مَراقيها

39. The brilliance of rule adorned him among us Allah with what
He has gifted him from the grace of guidance overflowing

٣٩. ضاحي السِّني زانَهُ فينا الإِلَهُ بِما
حَباهُ مِن فَضلِ نُعمَى جَلَّ مُهديها

40. He granted him the edge of a sword ruling
Wherever it turned, so the bow gave its protection

٤٠. حَباهُ حَدُّ حُسامٍ بِالقَضاءِ جَرى
مِن حَيثُ سَلَّ فَأَعطى القَوس باريها

41. He shepherds the servants with the truth of justice, adhering
To wisdom in which the Lord of the Throne manifests

٤١. يَرعَى العِبادَ بِحَقِّ العَدلِ مُعتَصِماً
بِحكمةٍ فيهِ مَولَى العَرشِ يُبديها

42. Blessed is the finest wisdom, paired with him
Are traits that dazzled in beauty of meaning

٤٢. تَباركَ اللَهُ أَسنى الحلمِ يُقرنُهُ
شَمائلٌ بَهَرَتْ حُسناً مَعانيها

43. His comfort is giving, justice, and benevolence
The most faithful of its efforts

٤٣. لِلرَّفدِ وَالوَفدِ وَالأَنعامِ راحَتُهُ
وَالبَذلُ وَالعَدلُ مِن أَوفى مَساعيها

44. He met swords and pens, so sprang forth
Fire and light upon guidance encountering it

٤٤. لاقَى الصَوارمَ وَالأَقلامَ فَاِنبَلَجَتْ
نارٌ وَنورٌ عَلى رُشدٍ يُلاقيها

45. He is the generous in whom the times appeared
Beautiful in good traits, pure of cup

٤٥. هُوَ الكَريمُ الَّذي فيهِ الزَمانُ بَدا
زاهي المَحاسنِ عَذبِ الكَأسِ صافيها

46. The shade of God over the world and its ruler
And the one to whom honor reached its horizons

٤٦. ظِلُّ الالهِ عَلى الدُنيا وَحاكِمِها
وَمَن إِلَيهِ اِنتَهَت عِزّاً أَقاصيها

47. A strong, courageous, resolute, valiant, eminent hero
Of lofty character, pure morals, flourishing

٤٧. لَيثٌ أَشَمٌ جَسورٌ باسلٌ بطلٌ
عالي السِّنى طاهرِ الأَخلاقِ زاكيها

48. Fiercer in action than swords wherever he appeared
More glorious and brilliant in view than its guards

٤٨. أَشَدُّ فِعلاً مِنَ الأَسيافِ حَيثُ بَدا
أَجلى وَأَشرَقَ رَأياً مِن خَواشيها

49. This is the hand of God flowing in its fingers
A secret from the Throne from its right supporting it

٤٩. هَذا يَد اللَه يَسري في أَنامِلِها
سرٌّ مِنَ العَرشِ عَن يمنٍ يُوافيها

50. An affliction the hills fear in awe of his determination
And the zeal that conquered the resolve of its rivers

٥٠. بَأسٌ تَهابُ الرَوابي هَولَ عزمتِهِ
وَهمةٍ وَطِئَت عَزمَ المُجاريها

51. The first to advance, in God's name, makes its steeds run
To the enemy with softening torment undoing it

٥١. المقدِّمُ الخَيل باسم اللَه يَجريها
إِلى العِدى بِالعَذابِ الهَون يُرديها

52. It called for war and doom came when it called
Upon armies in a direction misery throws them

٥٢. دَعَت نزال وَوافَى الوَيلُ حينَ دَعَت
عَلى جُيوشٍ بِصَوبٍ البُؤسِ تَرميها

53. It throws at every miserable enemy
Scattered, and with victory its outcome is tied

٥٣. رَمَت بِكُلِّ شَقيٍّ مِن أَعاديها
سَحقاً وَبِالنَصر قَد نِيطَت نَواصيها

54. The owner of power in the world, so it only turns
To what he wills of his purpose within it

٥٤. المالِكُ الأَمرَ في الدُنيا فَما اِنقَلَبَت
إِلّا عَلى ما أشتهَى مِن قَصدِهِ فيها

55. He climbed to the heaven of loftiness, its steps
None can match, and the ambitious were denied from emulating it

٥٥. راقَى سَماءَ عُلىً جازَت مَعارِجُها ال
اكفاءَ وَاِمَتَنَعَتْ عَمَن يُحاكيها

56. Abdulaziz, who took the guidance and yielded to him
The earth, both near and far

٥٦. عَبد العَزيز مَن اِحتازَ الهُدى وَعَنَت
لِبأسهِ الأَرضُ دانيها وَنائيها

57. And in the heights from the rights of honor sincere
In what it obligated legally, its claims

٥٧. وَفي العُلى مِن حُقوقِ العزِّ ما صَدَقت
فيهِ بِما أَلزَمَت شَرعاً دَعاويها

58. The glories orbited it with the shadow of a full moon
With the praise of Allah guiding it

٥٨. حَفّت بِمَنصِبه الآساد طالِعَةً
بِظلِّ بَدرٍ بِحَمدِ اللَه هاديها

59. Near conquest and mighty victory supporting it
For a state in the world everlasting its hands

٥٩. فَتحٌ قَريبٌ وَنَصرٌ عزَّ جانِبُهُ
لِدَولةٍ في الوَرى دامَت أَياديها

60. The shade of God well-being in its aspects
And the grace of His bounties empowering it

٦٠. ظلُّ الالهِ صَلاحٌ في جَوانِبِها
وَفَضلُ أَنعُمِهِ بِالعزِّ مُولِيها

61. And wisdom binding it, and success supporting it
And fortune observing it, and opening tending it

٦١. وَالحَزمُ عاقدُها وَالفَوزُ عاضِدُها
وَالسَعدُ راصِدُها وَالفَتحُ راعيها

62. A sphere shone for us in glory interwoven
With each full moon containing it in its towering

٦٢. جَلَت لَنا فَلَكاً في المَجدِ مُحتَبِكاً
بِكُلِّ بَدرٍ حَوَتهُ في تَساميها

63. Inheritor of great glory, its pride tied
Above its predecessors with glory surpassing resemblance

٦٣. وَراثُ مَجدٍ كَبيراً نيطَ كابِرُهُ
عَن سالفيه بِعزٍّ فاقَ تَشبيها

64. A light for which God's shadows never ceased
Shadows of security and care for its side

٦٤. دَوحٌ لَهُ اللَهَ ما زالَت خَمائِلُهُ
ظِلالُ أَمنٍ وَالطافٌ لِناحيها

65. And praise to Allah continuously their honesty
Increases in glory and empowerment in its ascending

٦٥. وَالحَمدُ لِلّهِ ما أَنفكَّت مَباءَتُهم
تَزدادُ مَجداً وَتَعزيزاً بِراقيها

66. With the guided kings are resolves that spent the night devoted
To fulfilling the limits of truth carrying them out

٦٦. بِالمالكينَ هُمامٌ باتَ مُعتَكِفاً
عَلى وَفاءِ حُدودِ الحَقِّ يَقضيها

67. The stars of its years shone in darkness, so they appeared
Fortunate, and beautifully smiling their corners

٦٧. لاحت نُجومُ سَناهُ في الدُجى فَزَهَت
في اليُمنِ وَاِبتَسَمَت حُسناً زَواهيها

68. He is the accomplished king in whom fame transcended
Pleasantly in the essence of majesty abounding its bestowal

٦٨. هُوَ المَليكُ الَّذي راقَ المَديحُ بِهِ
طِيباً بِذاتِ جَلالٍ جَلَّ مُبديها

69. Along with him the pleasant praise adorned its rising fortune
Skyward trajectories in meaning its decoration

٦٩. خَلا بِهِ طِيبُ مَدحٍ زانَ طالِعهُ
سَما قَوافٍ بِمَعناهُ زَهَت تيها

70. Virtues below which flowers are blossoming
Unparalleled, outshining in beauty its plains

٧٠. مَناقبٌ دونَها الأَزهارُ مُسفِرَةٌ
عَن مِثلِها جَلِّيَتْ زَهواً أَقاحيها

71. With them words ascended, coming in their bundles
Containing covenants surpassing its marvels

٧١. راقَت بِها كَلمٌ جاءَت بِسُؤدُدِهِ
تَحكي عُقوداً بِهِ فاقَت لَآليها

72. I placed them at the highest of its doors, so they aimed
By its purpose, and through it the edifices are exalted

٧٢. أَودَعتُها في عُلى أَبوابهِ فَسَمَت
بِقَصدِهِ وَبِهِ اِستَعلَت مَبانيها