
The generous people of Tripoli established for us

أنشا الطرابلسيون الكرام لنا

1. The generous people of Tripoli established for us
An association to guide, igniting its beacon

١. أَنشاَ الطَرابِلِسِيُّونَ الكِرامَ لَنا
جَمعيةً لِلنُّهَى أَذكَت مَنارَتَها

2. A people whose hands and zeal have competed
Until they repelled the armies of ignorance and their raids

٢. قَومٌ تَبارَت أَياديهم وَهِمَتَهُم
حَتّى ثَنَوا مِن جُيوشِ الجَهل غارَتَها

3. They have renewed the joy of knowledge from its relics
And adorned the robes of glory with its insignia

٣. قَد جَدَّدوا مِن رُفاتِ العلمِ بَهجَتَهُ
وَأَلبَسوا غانياتِ المَجدِ شارَتَها

4. A cloud of virtue has watered in the gardens of guidance
With knowledge it has cultivated it, reviving its freshness

٤. سحبٌ مِن الفَضلِ أَرِّخ في رياضِ هُدى
بِالعلمِ أَرَّخَتها أَحيت نَضارتَها