
Visit a soil to say thunder has rained

زر تربة لنقولا رعد قد مطرت

1. Visit a soil to say thunder has rained
The rain of contentment has watered it and tears have irrigated it as they poured

١. زُر تُربةً لِنقولا رَعد قَد مَطَرت
غيثُ الرِّضى وَسَقاها الدَّمعُ إِذ وَكَفا

2. A young man whose death made literature weep
With sorrow, and piety lamented for him afterwards with regret

٢. فَتىً لَقَد بَكَتِ الآدابُ مَصرَعَهُ
حُزناً وَناحَ التُقَى مِن بَعدِهِ أَسَفا

3. He passed away on the twenty sixth
Leaving us with grief that does not pass

٣. قَد سارَ في السّتِّ وَالعشرينَ مُنصَرِفاً
عَنّا وَغادرَ حُزناً لَيسَ مُنصَرِفا

4. So his chronicler etched above his tomb
And a branch of sweet basil broke off in the morning breeze

٤. فَخَطَّ مِن فَوقِ مَثواهُ مُؤرِّخُهُ
وَيحِي عَلى غُصنِ بانٍ في الصِّبا اِنقَصَفا