1. A seeker of glory from the family of Naplouse
He turned away, so the traces melted for him
١. مِن آلِ نابُلُسِي الأَمجادِ مُرتَحِلٌ
وَلّى فَذابَت عَلى آثارِهِ المُهَجُ
2. Death surprised him while departing
So he went like a sword in the shroud wrinkling
٢. قَد فاجأَتْهُ المَنايا وَهيَ غادِرةٌ
فَراحَ كَالسَيفِ في الأَكفانِ يَندَرِجُ
3. And when he went towards his Creator, He lodged him
In a garden where ranks were raised for him
٣. وَإِذ مَضى نَحوَ باريهِ فَأَنزَلَهُ
في جَنَّةٍ رُفَعَت فيها لَهُ الدّرَجُ
4. The evangelizer wanted a date, so he called to him
Indeed the heights rejoice for Michael
٤. رامَ المُبَشِّرُ تاريخاً فَصاحَ بِهِ
إِنَّ الأَعالي بِميخائيلَ تَبتَهِجُ