
Noble Franciscolay in his final repose,

أمسى فرنسيس الكريم بمضجع

1. Noble Franciscolay in his final repose,
Bathed in the mercies of the All-Forgiving.

١. أَمسى فَرنسيسُ الكَريمَ بِمَضجَعٍ
مَطَرت عَلَيهِ مَراحِمُ الغفارِ

2. A valiant knight has left the progeny of musk,
And Beirut was swathed in clouds of sorrow.

٢. شَهمٌ مَضى عَن آلِ مسكَ فَظَلَّلَت
بَيروتُ فيهِ سَحابَةُ الأَكدارِ

3. At his demise, virtues mourned as copiously
As the innocent wept with flowing tears.

٣. ناحَت لِمَصرَعِهِ الفَضائلُ مِثلَما
بَكَتِ العفاةُ بِدَمعِها المِدرارِ

4. He gained the reward of the long-suffering, having passed
With thanks extolling the Creator on his tongue.

٤. قَد نالَ أَجرَ ذَوي البَلايا إِذ مَضى
مُتَصَبِّراً لَهِجاً بِشُكرِ الباري

5. And so he attained, in his Lord's meadows,
The bliss allotted to the righteous.

٥. وَلِذاكَ أَدرَكَ في مَراتعِ رَبِّهِ
أَرَّخَتُ حَظَّ سَعادةِ الأَبرارِ