1. A sketch of one from the family of Tunbah traveling,
They bid him farewell with flowing tears,
١. رَمسٌ بِهِ مِن آلِ طُنبةَ راحِلٌ
بَلُّوا ثَراهُ بِالدُموعِ الذُرَّفِ
2. It became a shrine for the generous, and it was often
His dwellings were the refuge of the outcast.
٢. أَمسى مَزاراً للكِرامِ وَطالَما
كانَت مَنازِلُهُ مَزارَ المُعتَفِي
3. Courageous, he met misfortunes with strength,
He endured the prolonged affliction with patience,
٣. شَهمٌ تَلقَّى الحادِثاتِ بِمُهجةٍ
صَبَرَت عَلى طُولِ البَلاءِ المُدنفِ
4. Until he passed away and departed to a meadow
That delights the eyes with the beauty of its scene.
٤. حَتّى قَضى وَمَضى فَحَلَّ بِمَرتَعٍ
يَغشى العُيونَ بِهِ جَمالُ المَوقِفِ
5. And there in history are the possessions of the Exalted,
They proclaimed the deliverance of Joseph.
٥. وَهُناكَ بِالتاريخِ أَملاكُ العُلى
نَطَقَت بِاعلانِ الخَلاصِ لِيُوسُفِ