1. This is the son of Yusuf from the family of Dabbas
Tears have watered his tomb with cool spring water
١. هَذا اِبنُ يوسُفَ مِن بَني الدَبّاسِ قَد
سَقَتِ الدُموعُ ثَراهُ بَردَ مَعينِ
2. A brave man who passed away and was laid to rest
In the most honorable soil which embraced this noble buried one
٢. شَهمٌ قَضى فَثَوى بِأَكرَمِ تُربةٍ
ضَمَّت جَوانِبُها أَجلَّ دَفينِ
3. In his worldly life he was of utmost chastity
Hoped for and the best example in religion
٣. قَد كانَ في دُنياهُ أَفضَلَ عصمةٍ
تُرجَى وَأَحسَنَ قُدوةٍ في الدّينِ
4. Until he passed away towards God and attained
From his deeds the best gains for salvation
٤. حَتّى مَضى نَحو الإِلهِ فَنالَ مِن
أَعمالِهِ لِلفَوزِ خَير ضَمينِ
5. And the recorder of history wrote saying
The secret of salvation appeared to Constantine
٥. ومسطِّرِ التّاريخِ حرَّرَ قائِلاً
سِرُّ الخَلاصِ بَدا لِقَسطَنطينِ