
The days of fever, will there be a return so we may hope?

زمان الحمى هل من معاد فنطمعا

1. The days of fever, will there be a return so we may hope?
As we endure melting livers and ribs.

١. زَمانَ الحِمى هَل مِن مَعاد فنطمَعا
وَنُمسكُ أَكباداً تَذوبُ وَأَضلُعا

2. O dwelling of loved ones, is there a stop in you
Where my reminiscing is renewed, even if it is painful?

٢. وَيا مَنزلُ الأَحبابِ هَل فيكَ وَقفَةٌ
تجَدّدُ تَذكاري وَإِن كانَ موجِعا

3. O breezes of the bending riverbank, how are its people?
And did that lively place become good after me for pasturing?

٣. وَيا نَسمَاتَ المُنحَنى كَيفَ أَهلهُ
وَهَل طابَ بَعدي ذَلِكَ الحَيُّ مَرتَعا

4. Fate decreed separation between us and for so long
We knew it to hasten gatherings with its feet.

٤. قَضى الدَهرُ فينا بِالفِراقِ وَطالَما
عَهِدناهُ قِدماً بِالجَماعاتِ مَولَعا

5. We sleep and get up while the nights ambush
Every collected group from us.

٥. نَبيتُ وَنَغدو وَاللَيالي بمرصدٍ
تُراقبُ مِنّا كُلَّ شَملٍ تَجَمَّعا

6. If only it didn't startle us by splitting up intimacy
Fear of splitting up was enough to frighten us.

٦. وَلَو لَم تَروِّعْنا بِتَصديعِ أُلفةٍ
كَفانا اِرتِياعاً خَوفَ أَن نتَصَدَّعا

7. O Lord of a day whose longing I prolonged
It only showed me a lover bidding farewell.

٧. وَيا رُبَّ يَومٍ قَد أَطالَ تَلَهُّفي
فَلَم يُرِنِي إَلّا حَبيباً مُودِّعا

8. So from the flowing tears on my throat and a sigh
With which I went after bidding farewell, seeing off.

٨. فَمِن عَبرَةٍ سالَت بِنَحري وَزَفرةٍ
بِها رُحتُ مِن بَعد الوَداعِ مشيّعا

9. And a crying woman whose separation darkened
And nearly hoped for the return of our union.

٩. وَباكية لَما أَظَلَّ فراقَنا
وَما أَوشَكَت تَرجو لِوَصليَ مَرجَعا

10. Lessen before me a tear after a tear
On a cheek that spent the night shedding tears.

١٠. تُكفكفُ دوني عَبرةً بَعدَ عَبرةٍ
عَلى صَفحِ خَدٍ باتَ بِالدَمعِ أَسفَعا

11. Calm down for you have distressed my ribs with wailing
And left my heart frightened with passions.

١١. أَقِلي فَقَد أَشجَيتِ بِالنَوحِ أَضلُعي
وَغادَرتِ قَلبي بِالشُجونِ مروَّعا

12. And spare the painful glance on a coercible heart
Pelted from before by your arrows four times.

١٢. وَكُفِّي أَليمَ اللَحظِ عَن قَلبِ مُدنَفٍ
رمتهُ النَوى مِن قَبلِ سَهميكَ أَربَعا

13. This distance between us was not of my choosing
But it is fate that refused to be lost.

١٣. فَما بِاختياري كانَ ذا البُعدُ بَينَنا
وَلَكِنَّهُ شأَنٌ أَبى أَن يَضيّعا

14. Leave me as this longing keeps wasting my spirit
For I saw perishing as a greater fate.

١٤. ذَريني وَهَذا الشَوقُ يُتلفُ مُهجَتي
فَإني رَأيتُ الخَسفَ أَعظَمَ مَصرَعا

15. God refused that I be content residing in a town
Where I see excellence in it with laziness dressed up.

١٥. أَبى اللَهُ أَن أَرضى المقامَ بِبَلدةٍ
أَرى الفَضلَ فيها بِالخُمولِ ملفّعا

16. So my homeland is not a land that grew with my merits
Even if living in it was most verdant and lush.

١٦. فَما وَطَني أَرضٌ نَبَتْ بِفضائِلي
وَلَو كانَ فيها العَيشُ أَخضَرَ مُمرَعا

17. Nor do I choose one whose enmity was my merit
Even if he is later generous to me altogether.

١٧. وَلا أَصطَفِي مَن كانَ فَضلي عَدوَّهُ
وَلَو جادَ لِي مِن بَعدُ بِالودّ أَجمَعا

18. The treaty there shows meanness its face
While the face of the noble is denied unless masked.

١٨. مَعاهدُ فيها يُبرزُ اللؤمُ صَفحهُ
وَتُنكر وَجه الحُرّ إِلّا مُقنَّعا

19. There the band of misguidance camped heedlessly
And settled protecting it square by square.

١٩. أَناخَ بِها رَكب الغِواية عائِشاً
وَجاسَ حِماها مَربَعاً ثُمَ مَربَعا

20. And the ignorant's minion extended over it
Until the basin of wickedness became a pasture.

٢٠. وَمَدَّ أَتِيُّ الجَهلِ بِالجورِ فوقَها
إِلى أَن غَدا حَوضُ الخباثِ مُترعا

21. So evil be to you, which mother gave birth to it
And nourished its misfortunes until it was nurtured.

٢١. فَيا لَكَ شَرّاً أَيُّ أَمٍّ تَمَخَّضت
بِهِ وَغَذَتهُ الشُؤمَ حَتى تَرَعرَعا

22. And evil be to you, days, that showed us its phases
Miracles that did not occur to one asleep in their bed.

٢٢. وَيا لَكِ أَياماً أَرَتنا صُروفَها
عَجائب لَم يَطرُقنَ في الحلم مَضجَعا

23. Until only remains that we see the sun rise
From the west until it makes the west a horizon.

٢٣. وَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا أَن نَرى الشَمسَ أَشرَقَت
مِنَ الغَرب حَتّى تَجعلَ الغَرب مَطلَعا

24. So O time, was that serious or are you jesting?
And how can one not prone to jesting have an escape?

٢٤. فَيا دَهرُ جَدٌّ ذاكَ أَم أَنتَ هازِلٌ
وَكَيفَ بِمَن لَم يَدرِ لِلهَزَلِ مَنزَعا

25. I armored myself in you with patience until when it was done
I took the Abbasid sanctuary as fort and refuge.

٢٥. تَدَرّعتُ فيكِ الصَبر حَتّى إِذا عَفا
تَخذتُ حِمى العَبّاس حِصناً وَمَفزَعا

26. A just king who became the axis of favors and munificence
And his protective shadow became a place for wishes.

٢٦. مَليكٌ غَدا قطبَ المَكارم وَالنَدى
وَباتَ حماهُ لِلرَغائبِ مَجمَعا

27. The descendants of the house of glory, honor, and loftiness
And elite of those whom in their grasp became biennal.

٢٧. سُلالةُ بَيتِ المَجدِ وَالعِزِّ وَالعُلى
وَصَفوةُ مَن في دستهم قَد تَرَبَّعا

28. A vigilant one who assumed command while he
Was on the brink so he built what was crumbling.

٢٨. همامٌ تَولَّى الأَمرَ وَهوَ عَلى شَفا
فَشيّدَ مِن أَركانِهِ ما تَضَعضَعا

29. And confronted the army of events with resolve
That made the horizon of the heavens its position.

٢٩. وَناهضَ جَيشَ الحادِثات بِهمّةٍ
قَد اِتَخَذَتْ أُفْق السماكينِ مَوضِعا

30. Leading it an army of wisdom marching
Of easy character and receptive conscience.

٣٠. يَقودُ لَها جَيشاً مِنَ الرَأي غازياً
يَلِي خُلقاً رَحباً وَقَلباً مشيّعا

31. The youths of ordeals recoil in every murky incident
With a look that binds fast the mobilized iron.

٣١. تَفُلُّ شباةُ الخَطْبِ في كُلِ غَمرةٍ
لَهُ نَظرةٌ تَصمي الحَديدَ الموتّعا

32. A young man who waded into the shallows of events and its depths
And the evil of its winds are neither ease nor turmoil.

٣٢. فَتىً خاضَ لَجَّ الحادِثاتِ وَضحلها
وَما شَر ريحيها رَخاء وَزَعزَعا

33. So he did not cease to raise high an emblem
That meets him with necks of nomads bowed down.

٣٣. فَما زالَ في الحالينِ مَرفوعَ رايةٍ
تُلاقيهِ أَعناقُ الطَوارقِ خَضَّعا

34. He assumed the burdens of politics with fortitude
Having known him before that as a suckling infant.

٣٤. تَقَلد أَعباءَ السِياسةِ أَمرَداً
وَقَد عَرَفَتَهُ قَبلَ ذَلِكَ مرضعا

35. So to him was a mother and to her was a father
Who nourished him and nurtured her while both grew up together.

٣٥. فَكانَت لَهُ أُماً وَكانَ لَها أَباً
غَذتهُ وَربَّاها وَقَد نَشأا مَعا

36. The shadows of the kingdom became plentiful, so its end
Became a refuge for the free souls and asylum.

٣٦. فَسِيحُ ظِلال المُلكِ أَضحى فِناؤُهُ
مَلاذاً لِأَحرارِ النُفوسِ وَمَنجَعا

37. Through it the hopes of a people gained
What they did not leave in themselves of wishes.

٣٧. بِهِ اِعتَصَمَتْ آمالُ قَوم أَنالَهُم
مِنَ الفَضلِ ما لَم يُبقِ في النَفسِ مَطمَعا

38. And through it one who was not empowered by a group became mighty
And became, though he was crippled, victorious.

٣٨. وَعَزَّ بِهِ مَن لَم يَعزِّزْهُ مَعشَرٌ
فَأَصبَحَ ذا ظُفرٍ وَإِن كانَ أَقطَعا

39. And the fangs of aggression under the shade of his justice became
At night, while the voices of injustice became barren.

٣٩. وَأَصبَحَ نابُ البَغيِ في ظِلِّ عَدلِهِ
كَليلاً وَعِرنين المَظالمِ أَجدَعا

40. Thus were the prince's forefathers and he
Still flows upon their traces, following.

٤٠. كَذا كانَ آباءُ الأَميرِ وَإِنَّهُ
لَيَجري عَلى آثارِهِم مُتَتَبِّعا

41. Nobles who built a lavish citadel of glory
And erected for it with might an impregnable wall.

٤١. سُراةٌ بَنوا صِرحاً مِنَ المَجد باذِخاً
وَشادوا لَهُ بِالعزِّ سُوراً مُمنَّعا

42. And they exemplified chivalry and justice for the people, so emulated them
Whoever sought glory at the peak of glory.

٤٢. وَسَنُّوا النَدى وَالعَدلَ لِلناسِ فَاِقتَدى
بِهِم مَن بَغي في ذِروةِ المَجدِ مَفرعا

43. For them in the sanctuary of Egypt are magnificent deeds that have not ceased
To humble before them the sights of events.

٤٣. لَهُم في حِمى مَصرٍ عَظائمُ لَم تَزَل
لَدَيهنَّ أَبصارُ الحَوادثِ خُشَّعا

44. Gallants whom the ages pass while their memory
Is like the prime of youths, the older it becomes the more vigorous.

٤٤. غَطارفةٌ تَمضي العُصورُ وَذكرُهُم
فتيُّ شَبابٍ كُلَما شِخنَ أَيفَعا

45. And if history forgot to mention their deeds
The voice of relics there called out and made heard.

٤٥. وَلَو أَغفَلَ التاريخُ ذكرَ فِعالِهم
دَعا ناطقُ الآثارِ مِنها فَأسَمَعا

46. And unto you, my Master, is the inadequate praise of an incapable one
With which to clothe the right of your favor he manned up.

٤٦. وَدونَكَ يا مَولايَ مَدحةُ عاجزٍ
بِها لِوفا حَقِّ الجَميلِ تَذرَّعا

47. If praised deficiently for your inadequacy
He avoided forgery in what he claimed of you.

٤٧. لَئِن عِيب بِالتَّقصيرِ فيكَ ثَناؤُهُ
فَقَد أمِنَ التَزويرَ فيما لَكَ اِدَّعى

48. And the like of you, whose traits praise does not reach
Even if the praiser is prolix toward you creating.

٤٨. وَمِثلُكَ مَن لا يَبلغِ المَدحَ وَصفُهُ
وَلَو أَسهَب المُثنِي عَلَيكَ وَأَبدَعا

49. And enough of my praise of you is that I weighed it
With what of excellent traits are latent in you.

٤٩. وَحسبُ مَديحي فيكَ أَنِّيَ زنتُهُ
بِما فيكَ مِن حُسنِ الخَلائقِ أَودَعا

50. Attributes that shone in beauty and so were like a meadow
While I, in praising it, was the frequenter returning.

٥٠. صِفاتٌ زَهَتْ حُسناً فَكانَت كَرَوضةٍ
وَكُنتُ بِمَدحِيها الهِزارُ المَرجِّعا

51. To your noble court I walked and my hopes
Were the stars of wishes in the horizon of your nobility that arose.

٥١. إِلى بابكَ العالي سَرَيتُ وَقِبلَتي
نُجومُ المُنى في أُفْقِ فَضلِكَ طُلَّعا

52. And I descended from you in the best spot
Where I see nations through your shade stabled.

٥٢. وَأَنزَلتُ رحلي مِنكَ في خَيرِ بُقعةٍ
أَرى أُمماً فيها بظلِّكَ رُتَّعَا

53. So continue and stay and surrender and rise and enjoy and never cease
Reciprocating your blessings with thanks and supplication.

٥٣. فَدُمْ وَاِبقَ وَاِسلمْ وَاِرْقَ وَانعمْ ولا تَزلْ
مُقابِلةً نعماكَ بِالحَمدِ وَالدُّعا

54. For if hopes were birds in a meadow
They would never roost except in your courtyard.

٥٤. فَلَو كانَتِ الآمالُ طَيراً بَرَوضةٍ
لَمَا كنَّ إَلّا في فَنائِكَ وُقَّعا