1. For the sons of Muslim, after losing their desire
There is lasting sorrow over the succession of times
١. لِبَنِي مُسلَّمَ بَعدَ فَقَدِ مُرادِهِم
حُزنٌ يَدومُ عَلى تَوالي الأَدهُرِ
2. A pillar for those in need is the best treasure
In which days have buried the most precious jewel
٢. رُكنٌ ذوو الحاجات خَيرَ ذَخيرةٍ
دَفنت بِها الأَيّامُ أَكرَمَ جَوهرِ
3. In a soil which the historian wrote atop
O gravestone, you have attained the desire, so rejoice
٣. في تُربةٍ كَتبَ المُؤرِّخُ فَوقَها
يا رَمسُ قَد حَزَتَ المرادَ فَاِبشِرِ