1. Visit Malham's grave, it shook the brave one who
Made eyes overflow with tears of parting
١. زُر قَبرَ ملحمَ زِلزلَ الشَهمَ الَّذي
أَجرى النَواظِرَ بِالدِماءِ فِراقَهْ
2. And greet with peace a tomb that enclosed
A branch of virtues with withered leaves
٢. وَاُقرَ السَلامَ عَلى ضَريحٍ ضَمنَهُ
غصنُ الفضائلِ قَد ذَوت أَوراقَهْ
3. Rayyan departed in youth, leaving behind
Sorrow over Beirut with extended corridors
٣. رَيّانُ وَلَّى في الشَبيبةِ تارِكاً
حُزناً عَلى بَيروتَ مدَّ رُواقَهْ
4. And so in its history it mourned over
A full moon that met its eclipse at its height
٤. وَلِذاكَ في تاريخها ناحَت عَلى
بَدرٍ أَتاهُ لَدى التَمامِ مَحاقَهْ