
Good tidings to the beloved for what he has attained of honor

بشرى الحبيب بما قد حاز من شرف

1. Good tidings to the beloved for what he has attained of honor
It came to him like rain over the most fragrant meadow

١. بُشرى الحَبيبِ بِما قَد حازَ مِن شَرَفِ
وافاه كَالغَيثِ فَوقَ الرَوضةِ الأُنُفِ

2. He obtained what none among our tribes had obtained
Of predecessors past and successors to come

٢. قَد نالَ ما لَم يَنلْهُ في عشائِرنا
سِواهُ مِن سَلَفٍ ماضٍ وَمِن خَلَفِ

3. A matter we recognize him by, his uniqueness among us
Though his superiority is clear like the dawn

٣. أَمرٌ عَرَفناهُ بِهِ فينا تَفرُّدُهُ
وَإِن يَكن فَضله كَالصُبحِ غَير خَفِي

4. So let him rejoice in the highest rank, ascending
To every high summit of glorious ambition

٤. فليَهنَ بِالرُتبةِ العَلياء مُرتَقياً
لِكُلِّ أَوجٍ رَفيعِ العزِّ مُؤتَنفِ

5. And he who contains what he contains of resolves
It is no wonder he has risen to the heights of nobility

٥. وَمَن حَوى مِثل ما يَحويهِ مِن هِمَمٍ
لا غَروَ أَرَّخَتُ أَن يَرقى ذُرى الشَرَفِ