
Visit the grave of our noble martyr and say to him

زر قبر ناصرنا الكريم وقل له

1. Visit the grave of our noble martyr and say to him
You have prayed away every spark of the fire of rage

١. زُر قَبرَ ناصِرنا الكَريمَ وَقُل لَهُ
أَصلَيتَ كُلّ حَشاشةِ نارِ الغَضى

2. You have departed from us in your youth like
A branch broken by the storm of fate

٢. قَد سِرتَ عَنا في الشَبيبةِ راحِلاً
كَالغُصنِ قَد كَسَرَتهُ عاصِفةُ القَضا

3. After you I left the Aboos in sorrow
That does not subside for one dear departed

٣. غادَرتُ بَعدَكَ آلَ عبُّو في أَسىً
ما أَن يَزولَ عَلى عَزيزٍ قَد مَضى

4. So enjoy the blessed neighborhood of a Lord who spread
His mercy and good pleasure over you

٤. فَاِنعم بِطيبِ جِوارِ رَبٍّ أَرِّخوا
فيهِ تَحيِّيكَ المَراحمُ وَالرِضا