
A celebration wherein the flowers of literature have blossomed

عيد به زهرة الآداب قد نفحت

1. A celebration wherein the flowers of literature have blossomed
In the month of April, it offers fragrant flowers

١. عيدٌ بِهِ زَهرَةُ الآدابِ قَد نَفَحَتْ
في شَهر نيسانَ تَهدي الزَّهرَ أَعطارا

2. On a night that brought forth the cup of wine
And ignited the faces with fires and lights

٢. في لَيلةٍ أَبرَزَتْ كَأسَ المُدامِ بِها
وَأَوجهَ الشُّربِ نيراناً وَأَنوارا

3. And in the family, from its own kin
Revealed the subtleties of affection and sincerity

٣. وَفي الأُسِرَّةِ مِن ذاتِ الأُسرَّةِ ما
أَبدى مِن اللُّطفِ وَالإِخلاصِ أَسرارا

4. The full moon was envious in the heart of darkness
And lent the horizons its moons in the gloom

٤. أَغارَتِ البَدرَ في قَلبِ الظَلامِ وَقَد
أَعارَتِ الأُفْقَ في الظَّلماءِ أَقمارا

5. Verily the breaths have converged in it, weaving
A bond that renews the traces of gratitude

٥. لَقَد تَلاقَت بِها الأَنفاسُ ناسِجَةً
وَشياً يُجدِّدُ لِلعرفانِ آثارا

6. For every talent it has rivals in virtue
Casting a spell of enchantment in minds

٦. مِن كُلِّ نَدبٍ لَهُ في الفَضلِ عارِضةٌ
تُجري مِنَ السِّحرِ في الأَلباب إِسكارا

7. By Allah, O flower, its roots were watered
With rains of literature, ever-flowing

٧. لَلّهِ يا زَهرَةً رَوَّى مَنابِتُها
غَيثٌ مِنَ الأَدبِ المنهلِّ مِدرارا

8. The first knot of your years has been completed
You shall never cease accumulating epochs

٨. قَد تَمَّ أَوَّلُ عِقدٍ مِن سِنيكِ فَلا
بَرِحْتَ مِن مثلهِ تَطوينَ أَدهارا

9. Indeed, you are among a people whose souls
Seek nothing but the highest aspirations

٩. أَجَلْ وَاِنَّكِ في قَومٍ نُفوسهُم
لا تَبتَغي بِسِوى الهمَّاتِ أَوطارا

10. And it was said, has it borne fruit? We answered
The forming of the knot suffices as fruiting

١٠. وقيل هَل أَثمَرَت أَرِّخْ بِفاكهةٍ
قُلنا كَفى بِحُصولِ العَقد إِثمارا