1. From the esteemed and glorious Al Fayyad
Like a branch broken by the winds of fate
١. مِنِ آل فَياضٍ عَزيزٌ ماجِدٌ
كَالغُصنِ مِن ريحِ المَنيَّةِ يُكسَرُ
2. At twenty five he left, leaving no fruit
To console the grieving and heal their state
٢. في الخَمسِ وَالعشرينَ وَلَّى وَلَم يَدَع
ثَمَراً بِهِ يَسلو الحَزينُ وَيُجبَرُ
3. But he went towards eternity, leaving behind
Deeds of praise and mercy that will circulate
٣. وَلَقَد مَضى نَحوَ البَقاءِ مُخَلِّفاً
آثار حَمدٍ بِالمَراحمِ تُذكَرُ
4. So God Merciful settled him in a home
Where he's given tidings of blessings to await
٤. فَأَحَلَّهُ الرَحمنُ أَرِّخ مَسكَناً
فيهِ بِشارةُ بِالنَعيمِ يُبَشَّرُ