
Jirjis of the Sham'un family has wept

قد ناح جرجس آل شمعون على

1. Jirjis of the Sham'un family has wept
Over a disaster that brought tears flowing from his eyelids

١. قَد ناحَ جِرجسُ آلَ شَمعونٍ عَلى
خَطبٍ أَسالَ دُموعَ مُقلَتِهِ دَمَا

2. The hand of fate has wounded his love
And snatched away his precious Marima

٢. جَرَحَت يَدُ الأَقدارِ مُهجَتَهُ وَقَد
خَطَفَت وَحيدَتَهُ العَزيزةَ مَريَما

3. A girl gone at just sixteen, as though she were
A full moon that set in the darkness of a grave

٣. بِكرٌ مَضَت في الستَّ عَشرَ كَأَنَّها
بَدرٌ أَوى في الأَرضِ لَحداً مُظلِما

4. For her death he is consoled, for she has attained
Through her piety, the greatest of blessings

٤. فَلَهُ بِمصرَعِها العَزاءَ لِأَنَّها
حازَت بِتَقواها النَعيمَ الأَعظَما

5. She was for us once an angel on earth
And today dwells among the angels of heaven

٥. كانتَ بتاريخٍ ملاكاً عِندَنا
وَاليَوم باتَت مِن مَلائكةِ السَّما