1. Patience, O sons of Al-Khazin's clan, noble folk
For the loss of a valorous man mourned by the honored with blood
١. صَبراً بَني الخازنِ القَومَ الكِرامَ عَلى
فُقدانِ شَهمٍ بَكَتهُ المُكرَماتُ دَما
2. A pillar fulfilled his covenant with the Merciful
And today among the masters of piety a pity
٢. رُكنٌ قَضى في تُقَى الرَحمنِ مُدَّتَهُ
وَاليَوم ما بَينَ أَربابِ التُّقَى رحما
3. He was jealous through it, the jealous monastery became
Rebuilt in the wilds after it was demolished
٣. هُوَ الغيورُ بِهِ ديرُ الغيورِ غَدا
مُشَيَّداً في البَرايا بَعدَ ما هُدِما
4. For that he attained his intercession in the hereafter
And before that he had refuge and protection
٤. لِذاكَ أَدرَكَ في الأُخرى شَفاعَتَهُ
وَكانَ قَبلاً لَهُ مَلجاً وَمُعتصَما
5. So I said, when his stance was fragrant in history
Abbas has spent the night smiling in Paradise
٥. فَقُلتُ إِذ طابَ بِالتّاريخِ موقِفُهُ
قَد باتَ عَبّاسُ في الفَردوسِ مُبتَسِما