1. The noble scholar Al-Zawini passed away hastily,
So he made the youths of Lebanon weep the day he left.
١. مَضى الفاضلُ الحَبرُ الزوينيُّ عاجِلاً
فَأَبكى رُبَى لُبنانَ يَومَ مِضِيِّهِ
2. He never ceased to do good deeds,
Until the news of his death spread among people.
٢. مِنَ الفاعِلي الإِحسانِ ما أَنْفكَّ دَأبُهُ
إِلى أَن جَرى في الناسِ صَوتُ نَعيِّهِ
3. It was as if Louis had never been a refuge,
For the unfortunate, the far and the near.
٣. كَأَنَّ لُويساً لَم يَكُن قَطُّ مَلجأٌ
لَذي البُؤسِ مِن داني الذُرا وَقَصِيِّهِ
4. Nor a guiding star for righteousness, guided by his opinion,
Nor a spring of knowledge, quenched by his watering.
٤. وَلا كَوكَباً لِلرُشدِ يُهدى بِرأيهِ
وَلا مَنهلاً للعلمِ يُشفى بِرِيِّهِ
5. He lived his life obedient to God,
And benefited the world in his morn and eve.
٥. كَريمٌ قَضى في طاعةِ اللَهِ عُمرَهُ
وَنفَعَ الوَرى في صُبحِهِ وَعَشِيِّهِ
6. He left his world for God triumphantly,
With the wonders of His grace open and hidden to him.
٦. وَفارقَ دُنياهُ إِلى اللَهِ ظافِراً
لَدَيهِ بِبادي لُطفِهِ وَخَفيِّهِ
7. So my date proclaims, giving good news,
"A noble soul is with The Merciful in his death."
٧. فَاقبلَ تأريخي يُنادي مُبَشِّراً
كَريمٌ لَدى الرَحمنِ مَوتُ صَفيِّهِ