
The effort of the grieving when fate decrees adversity,

جهد الحزين إذا صرف القضا نزلا

1. The effort of the grieving when fate decrees adversity,
Is to repay his loved one for what he did.

١. جُهدُ الحَزينِ إِذا صَرَفَ القَضا نَزلا
أَن يُجزي مِن حَشاهُ بِالَّذي فَعَلا

2. And to shed tears abundantly from his eyes,
One who wept before us would suffice, if he had done so.

٢. وَيَبتَلِي مُقلَتَيهِ بِالبُكا وَكَفى
بِمَن بَكى قَبلَنا ناهٍ لَو اِمتَثَلا

3. After losing hope, the lovers took
Those passions as paths leading to their solace.

٣. سَلا المحبُّونَ بَعدَ اليَأسِ فَاِتَّخَذوا
تِلكَ الشُجونُ إِلى سَلوانهم سُبُلا

4. Loss obliged the young man to grieve, so he wept,
And grief obliged patience afterward, so he endured.

٤. قَد أَوجَبَ الفَقَدُ حُزناً لِلفَتى فَبَكى
وَأَوجَب الحُزنُ صَبراً بَعدَهُ فَسَلا

5. I seek God's forgiveness as long as my tears are flowing
And my heart is preoccupied with sorrows.

٥. اِستغفرُ اللَه ما دَمعي بِممتَسِكٍ
وَلا فُؤادي عَنِ الأَشجانِ مُشتَغِلا

6. My patience does not obey me to accompany it
In what has afflicted me, even if I had obeyed it.

٦. وَلا يُطاوعُني صَبري فَأَصحَبُهُ
عَلى الَّذي بي وَلو طاوَعتُهُ عَذلا

7. A long night in which I go to sleep anxious,
The day you departed, trailing the fringes of your garment.

٧. طَويلُ لَيلٍ بِهِ أَمسى يُؤرِّقُني
يَومَ تَسَربل مِن أَذيالِهِ حُلَلا

8. The day news reached me at dawn about my beloved,
So I was left with no sun in my eyes at morning.

٨. يَومَ نَعَى ليَ مِن أَهوى بِبكرتِهِ
فَخِلْتُ شَمسَ الضُحى في مُقلَتي زُحَلا

9. My beloved who I love is in God's protection, he owes me a debt
In love that cannot be paid by flowing tears.

٩. في ذمَّةِ اللَهِ مَن عِندي لَهُ ذِممٌ
في الحُبِّ لَيسَ يَفيها مَدمَعٌ هَطلا

10. He left my eyes and entrusted to it
An image that appears but does not move.

١٠. لَقَد تَرحَّلَ عَن عَيني وَأَودعَها
شَخصاً يَلوحُ خَيالاً لَيسَ مُرتَحِلا

11. So it continued expanding it with passion and expanding him
With copious tears flooding over it.

١١. فَظَلَّ يُوسِعُها شَجواً وَتُوسِعُهُ
غُسلاً بِعارضِ دَمعٍ فَوقَهُ اِنهَمَلا

12. O pure affection, your lover was not faithful to you
Even if leaving you distressed my heart.

١٢. يا صافيَ الوُدِّ ما أَوفاكَ تارِكهُ
وَإِن بَغى تَرْكَهُ قَلبي فَما عَدَلا

Fate made you drink from its cups

١٣. قَد جرَّعتْكَ المَنايا مِن مناهِلِها
كَأساً بِها ملت بَل مَيَّلْتَني ثَمِلا

14. A drink with which it filled me, or rather overwhelmed me.
I did not think that separation would afflict

١٤. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَن البينَ عَن أُمَمٍ
يَبتُّ مِن شَملِنا ما كانَ مُتَّصِلا

15. What had been connected of our relationship.
And that I would lose you while composing poetry, and poetry

١٥. وَأَنَّنِي لَكَ راثٍ بِالقَريضِ وَما
يَقضي القَريضُ لَعَمري حَقّكَ الجَلَّلا

16. Does not fulfill your great right, by my life.
That the final time we were together before parting

١٦. وَإِنَّ ساعةَ أنسٍ قَبلَ فُرقَتِنا
تَكونُ آخرَ عَهدٍ بَيننا حَصَلا

17. Would be the last time between us.
And that my eyelids would be lined with tears after it,

١٧. وَيُكحلُ الجفنُ منِّي بَعدَها بِدَمٍ
مِن حَيثُ جفنكَ وَيْحِيي بِالبِلَى اِكتَحَلا

18. From where your eyelids were, bringing decay to the kohl.
You neglected the joy of my days, no longer visiting,

١٨. هَجَرتَ لذَّةَ أَيامي فَلا وَصَلَت
وَواصل الغَمُّ أَحشائي فَلا رَحَلا

19. While grief kept company with my insides, not leaving.
And grief melted my ribs because of you, kindling

١٩. وَاِنحَلََّ الحُزنُ اضلاعاً بِكَ اِضطَرَمَت
وَجداً فَلا لَقِيَت مِن سلوةٍ بَلَلا

20. A fire – if only I had found some comfort from it.
O God's mercy, reside atop a hill

٢٠. يا رَحمةَ اللَهِ حِلِّي فَوقَ رابيةٍ
بِسَفحِ لُبنانَ وَارَت طيَّها جَبَلا

21. At the foot of Lebanon, its slopes clothed by a mountain.
And O burden of the valley, be my neighbor, pilgrimaging

٢١. وَيا ثِقالَ الغَوادي جاوِري حَرَماً
مُكرَّماً فيهِ ذاكَ البَدرُ قَد أَفَلا

22. That honored moon there, though it has set.
By God, what he carried of wisdom and nobility,

٢٢. لِلّهِ ما ضَمَّ مِن حِلمٍ وَمِن كَرَمٍ
مَثوى عَلى جسمه الباهي قَد اِشتَمَلا

23. And dwellings of knowledge whose springs were pure.
And of virtues that were exemplary in the world,

٢٣. وَمِن مَناهِلِ علمٍ راقَ مَورِدُها
وَمِن فضائلَ سارَت في الوَرى مَثَلا

24. And of treasures of mysteries that if unleashed
Would be visited by all far and wide celebrating.

٢٤. وَمِن ذَخائِرِ أَسرارٍ لَو اِنتَصَفَت
لَزارَها كُلُّ قاصي الدّارِ مُحتَفِلا

25. The pens wept grievously over losing him
Enough! For long they had flattered him.

٢٥. بَكَت عَلى فَقدِهِ الأَقلامُ نادِبةً
كَفا لَهُ طالَما أَزرَت بِها الأَسَلا

26. And the pages wished, when he passed, that they had taken
The color of ink as a replacement for their hue.

٢٦. وَودّتِ الصُحْفُ إِذ وَلَّى لَو اِتَخَذَت
لَون المِدادِ لَها مِن لَونِها بَدَلا

27. And medicine was stricken by his death
For he was among those it cured when they complained.

٢٧. وَأَصبَحَ الطِّبُّ مُعتَلَّا لِمَصرَعِهِ
وَكانَ مِمَّن بِهِ حَيثُ اِشتَكى نَصَلا

28. O dweller in the corners of the sanctuary, reclusive!
The intimate did not expect to see you reclusive.

٢٨. يا نازِلاً في زَوايا الرَمْسِ مُعتَزِلاً
ما كانَ يَعهدُكَ العافونَ مُعتزِلا

29. Leaving your house desolate, uninhabited,
When it could not accommodate guests or visitors.

٢٩. وَتارِكاً دارَهُ كَالقَفرِ خاليةً
وَلَم تَكُن تَسَعُ الضِّيفانَ وَالنُّزَلا

30. And bequeathing every body sickness after you,
While I was more deserving to be cured of illness by you.

٣٠. وَمُودِعاً كُلَّ جسمٍ بَعدَهُ سَقماً
وَكُنتُ أَجدرُ مَن نَشفي بِهِ العِلَلا

31. Fate wearied of schemes to protect you,
Though long you exhausted schemes against it.

٣١. أَعيا الرَدى فيكَ ما نَبغيهِ مِن حِيَلٍ
وَطالَما كُنتَ تُعيي عِندَهُ الحِيَلا

32. So whom did you leave to quench their thirst when you were gone?
To whom did you leave an invalid, now pretending?

٣٢. فَمَن تَركْتَ سقاكَ العَفوُ صَيِّبَهُ
لِمن تَرَكت عَليلاً فيكَ مُنتَحِلا

And whom did you leave to perform noble deeds, consider,

٣٣. وَمَن تَرَكْتَ لِفعلِ المُكرَماتِ تُرى
إِذا الأَكُفُّ شَكَت مِن دونِهِ شَلَلا

34. When hands besides his were paralyzed?
And whom did you leave us after the son of Generosity

٣٤. وَمَن تَرَكْتَ لَنا بَعدَ ابنِ بجدتِها
يَحلُّ مُستَغلِقَ المَعنى إِذا اِشتَكَلا

35. Who could elucidate an ambiguous meaning if it became complex?
I am the lover, but in describing you, I have

٣٥. أَنا المُحبُّ وَلَكنِّي بِوَصفكَ قَد
قَصَّرتُ وَاُعذِرْ فَقَلبي بِالأَسَى ذُهِلا

36. Fallen short – forgive me, for my heart is confused with grief.
I mentioned something, and if I had been faithful in it,

٣٦. ذَكَرتُ شَيئاً وَلو أَني وَفيتُ بِهِ
أَطَلتُ وَاللَهُ أَدرى بِالَّذي فَضَلا

37. I would have prolonged it, but God knows best what I have neglected.
O beautiful Joseph, you have lodged in my liver

٣٧. يا يوسُفَ الحَسَنِ قَد أَنشَبَتَ في كَبِدِي
من قَلبِ يَعقوبَ جُرحاً لَيسَ مُندَمِلا

38. A wound from Jacob's heart that cannot be treated.
You have departed the captivity of this life

٣٨. أَطلَقتَ مِن أَسرِ هَذا العَيشِ مُنصَرِفاً
وَباتَ قَلبيَ بِالأَحزانِ مُعتَقَلا

39. While my heart remains imprisoned in sorrows.
My soul be ransomed for you, O you I have been harmed for!

٣٩. روحي فِداؤُكَ يا مَن قَد رُزِئتُ بِهِ
فَما تواصل روحي بَعدَه جَزَلا

40. For after you, my soul did not remain whole.
I have exceeded what I possessed, enjoying a throne,

٤٠. جاوَزتُ ما بي إِلى عَرشٍ نعمتُ بِهِ
وَعاهَدَتْ أَدمُعِي الأَسحارَ وَالأَصَلا

41. And my tears made a pact with dawn and dusk.
And I have never been faithful to this, though they dripped

٤١. وَما أَفيكَ بِها يَوماً وَقَد قَطَرَت
حُمراً لِأَنَّ بِها دونَ الوَفا خَجَلا

42. Red, since through them I fell short of loyalty.
Woe to our union in the world followed

٤٢. وَيلاهُ مِن وَصلِنا في الأَرضِ مُعتَقِباً
بالبينِ حُزناً طَويلاً لَيسَ مُنفَصِلا

43. By separation, prolonged grief that cannot be severed.
Changing fortunes have blackened their faces,

٤٣. قَد سَوَّدَتْ غِيَرُ الأَحداثِ أَوُجُهَها
وَطالَما شَيَّبت مِن دونِها القَذَلا

44. And often before you they whitened sidelocks.
There is no reproaching the betrayal of fate, for in

٤٤. وَما العِتابُ عَلى غَدرِ الزَمانِ وَفِي
يَد النَوازِلِ سَيفٌ يَسبِقُ العَذَلا

45. The hands of tribulations there is a sword outpacing blame.
This is what every bond has come to fear,

٤٥. هَذا الَّذي كُلُّ شَملٍ باتَ يَحذَرُهُ
فَلا يَزالُ لَدَيهِ خائِفاً وَجِلا

46. So it remains anxious and timid with it.
And it does not know anything but decisiveness in its commitments,

٤٦. وَلَيسَ يَعرفُ خَلفاً في مَواعِدِهِ
دونَ النِّجازِ وَلَكنْ رُبَّما مَطَلا

47. Not even postponement, but sometimes delay.
I thought the land flourishing,

٤٧. قَد كُنتُ أَحسبُ أَنَّ الأَرضَ عامِرة
فَاِستَوحَشَتْ إِذ رَأتها مُقلَتي طَللَا

48. So when my eyes saw it, it was desolate.
And I thought we were its inhabitants, but

٤٨. وَكُنتُ أَحسبُ أَنّا أَهلُها فَإِذا
كُلٌّ يَزمَّ المَطايا قَبلَما نَزَلا

49. They hastened their steeds before alighting.
Evil is an abode with no stability,

٤٩. بئسَ الديارُ ديارٌ للا ثَباتَ بِها
وَلا سَرورٌ بِهِ عَيشُ النَزيلِ حَلا

50. Its residents find no joy or settlement.
Our fortune in it is only our loved ones,

٥٠. وَإِنَّما حظُّنا مِنها أَحبَّتَنا
فَإِن تَوَلَّوا قَطَعنا عِندَها الأَمَلا