1. A moon accompanying them beneath their veils
Among the caravan between the valleys of peace
١. في الرَكبِ بَينَ هَوادجِ الآرامِ
قَمرٌ يسايِرُهُنَّ تَحتَ لِثامِ
2. My heart followed those maidens
Tracking the footsteps impressed in the sand
٢. تِلكَ الرَكائبُ سارَ قَلبي خَلفَها
مُتَتَبِّعاً لِمَواطِئِ الأَقدامِ
3. A day I stood there, distressed and confused
Seeking mercy from the flock for the separation
٣. يَومٌ وَقَفتُ بِهِ كَئيباً حائِراً
لِلبينِ أَسألُ رَحمةَ الأَنعامِ
4. They left, and their conversation was severed
My sincerity wept, and my words were outlined
٤. ساروا وَقَد قَطَعَ النَسيجُ كَلامَهُم
وَجداً وَخَطَّت عَبرتايَ كَلامي
5. Every pale face it met was shocked by my agony
So it inherited pallor and my disease
٥. مِن كُلِّ أَصفَرَ شاحِبٍ قَد راعَهُ
جَزَعِي فَاورَثَهُ الشُحوبُ سَقامي
6. And it appeared wearing my necklace of pearls
From the pearls of eyelids and the string of sleepiness
٦. وَبَدا مُقلّدهُ بَعقديْ لُؤلؤٍ
مِن دُرِّ أَجفانٍ وَدُرِّ نِظامِ
7. Oh neighbor of the pleasant, alive quarter that spent my companionship
So it spent my nearness to doves
٧. يا جيرةَ الحَيِّ الأُلى قَضَتِ النَوى
بِبعادِهِم فَقَضَت بِقُربِ حِمامي
8. You left my eye and took to barren plains
Between me and my sleep
٨. فَارقتمُ طَرفي القَريحَ وَحلتُمُ
بِالسُهدِ ما بَيني وَبَينَ مَنامي
9. And left me a plundered pavilion
In the palm of every western breeze
٩. وَتَرَكتُمُ لي مُهجَةً مَسلوبةً
في كَفِ كُلِّ مُغرِّبٍ نَسّامِ
10. Passions that melt from sadness
And limbs that became like brittle bones
١٠. وَجَوانِحاً حَرّى تَذوبُ مِن الأَسى
وَجوارِحاً أَمسَت رَميمَ عِظامِ
11. Separation descended upon us, so patience has no place with me
So depart in peace
١١. نَزلَ الفِراقُ بِنا فَما لَكَ مَوضِعٌ
يا صَبرُ عِندي فَاِرتَحِل بِسَلامِ
12. And pull yourself together, oh soul, as you have not composed yourself
Leaving it with infatuation and passions
١٢. وَتَعهَّدي يا نَفسُ ما لَم تعهَدِي
تَركاً لَهُ مِن صبوةٍ وَهُيامِ
13. And if you fear corruption of the youth
Then seek refuge in their beauty and my love
١٣. وَإِذا خَشيتِ عَلى الصَبابةِ سَلوةً
فَتَعَوَّذي بِجَمالهم وَغَرامي
14. And if the hand of time afflicts you with adversity
Then seek the aid of our intrepid minister
١٤. وَإِذا رمتكِ يَد الزَمان بِنَكبةٍ
فَاِستَنجِدي بوزيرِنا المِقدامِ
15. Of great power, both of them
A vast sea of realities are collected
١٥. ذي الدَولةِ العُظمى الَّذي مَن أَمَّهُ
فَجِوارُهُ حَرمٌ عَلى الأَيَّامِ
16. In his eyelid a moon that illuminates
When the night of tribulations grows dark in the sky of rulings
١٦. الراشدُ الهادي الأَمينُ المُقتَدِي
بِسَدادِ أَمرِ الواحدِ العَلَّامِ
17. Wearing the sword over determination
Which in times of strife is sharper than the sword
١٧. قَد ساسَ أَطرافَ البِلادِ بِحكمةٍ
غمَضَتْ سَرائِرُها عَن الأَوهامِ
18. A might mixed with qualities of gentleness
Like water blended with flasks in the cup
١٨. بادي الحَصافة أَصغراهُ كِلاهُما
بحرٌ كَبيرٌ بِالحَقائقِ طامِ
19. The souls are reassured by his awe so they scarcely
Disturb the slumber, marvels of dreams
١٩. في جَفنِهِ قَمَرٌ يُنير إِذا دَجا
لَيلُ المَشاكلِ في سَما الأَحكامِ
20. Horses surging in the iron sea foamed over
In every army like the waves of determination
٢٠. مُتَقَلِّد الصّمصامِ فَوقَ عَزيمةٍ
هِيَ في الوَغى أَمضى مِن الصّمصامِ
21. Flowing after the most marvelous of his worries
Quenching the black eyeliner and the saliva of swords
٢١. بَأسٌ تُمازِجُهُ خَلائقُ رقَّةٍ
كَالماءِ مازجَ قرقفاً في الجامِ
22. So ask the nomads where their group ended up
Facing the domination of that relentless warrior
٢٢. أَمِنَت بِهَيبَتِهِ النُّفوسُ فلم تكدْ
تُؤذي النِيامَ رَوائعُ الأَحلامِ
23. The enormity of vanguards roared in his face
Until they scattered unlike any enormity
٢٣. جَرَّارُ خَيلٍ بِالحَديدِ تَموَّجَت
في كُلِّ جَيشٍ كَالغِطمِّ لُهامِ
24. Their hearts shuddered in fear when
They were met with the standards of flags
٢٤. تَجري عَلى آثارِ أَروعَ هَمُّهُ
إِظماءُ مكحلةٍ وَريِّ حُسامِ
25. The only thing they encountered was a violent collision
Which they realized in war was a true collision
٢٥. فَسَلِ البَداوةَ أَينَ أَمسى جَمعَها
بِازاءِ سَطوةِ ذَلِكَ الضِّرغامِ
26. So they dispersed over the plain when they saw
The scattering of their joints and ambitions around them
٢٦. هَبَّت ضِخامُ طَلائعٍ في وَجهِهِ
حَتّى أَنهزَمنَ فَبُؤْنَ غَير ضِخامِ
27. And so they became as if the earth spewed out their cowardice
And as if they hastened over embers
٢٧. خَفَقَتْ قُلوبُهُم اِرتِياعاً عِندَما
وافاهُمُ بِخَوافقِ الأَعلامِ
28. Hastening their escape to the burrows
And into them the remnants of skulls surrendered them
٢٨. ما كانَ حينَ لَقَوه إِلّا صَدمةً
عَلِموا بِها في الكَرِّ صِدقَ صِدامِ
29. They left their dead for the beasts of the desert, having taken
The position of beasts in the burrows
٢٩. فَتناثَروا فَوقَ الصَعيد وَقَد رَأَوا
نَثر المَفاصِلِ حَولَهُم وَالهامِ
30. And their bold one whose soul
Sought to comfort it by surrendering
٣٠. وَغَدَوا كَأَنَّ الأَرضَ تَطردُ فَلَّهم
وَكَأَنَّهُم يَسعَونَ فَوقَ ضِرامِ
31. Filled the expanse, their moaning, to the point that
Even the echo of desolation began to moan for them
٣١. يَتَعجَّلونَ إِلى الإِكامِ فِرارَهم
وَإَلَيهِ تُسلمهم ذُرى الآكامِ
32. And its swords wept with their bodily fluids until
Their sheaths bent, and their lids flowed perpetually
٣٢. تَرَكوا لوحشِ القَفرِ قَتلاهُم وَقَد
تخِذوا مَقامَ الوَحشِ في الآجامِ
33. God is the greatest! Such is the consequence of those who are insolent
Requiting the making and ingratitude
٣٣. وَغَدا جَريئُهُمُ الَّذي ثَبَتَتَ لَهُ
نَفسٌ يِمَنِّيها بِالاستسلامِ
34. Oh tribe of nomads, that is Mohammed
Who came to you with justice and laws
٣٤. مَلأ البِقاعَ أَنينُهُم حَتّى لَقَد
أَمسى يَئنُّ لَهُم صَدى الاهضامِ
35. The affairs were entrusted to his wisdom, so he managed them
With the fangs of swords and the heads of pens
٣٥. وَبَكَت بِماء جُسومِهِم أَسيافُهُ
حتَّى انثنَت وجُفونهنَّ دوامي
36. An opinion as the dawn broke clearly and intuition
That possessed proper negation and affirmation
٣٦. الله أكبرُ تلكَ عُقبى مَن بَغى
جزى بِكُفر صَنيعةٍ وَذِمامِ
37. The master, the support, by which became
The approach of justice and clear signs
٣٧. يا مَعشَر الأَعرابِ ذاكَ مُحَمَّدٌ
وافاكُمُ بِالقَسطِ وَالأَحكامِ
38. Spreading security on the roads, so every mounted one began
To sing its praise, each owner of a horse
٣٨. عَهِدتْ لحكمتهِ الأُمورُ فَساسها
بِظُبى النِّصالِ وَأَرؤُسِ الأَقلامِ
39. And the countries were strengthened by his grace, and whoever
Sought refuge within them, of foreigner or countryman
٣٩. رَأيٌ كَما سَفرَ الضُحى وَبَديهةٌ
مَلَكَت سَدادَ النَقضِ وَالابرامِ
40. And for the diction of history a seal, by prayer
Record his supremacy, and it is the best seal
٤٠. السَيِّدُ السَنَدُ الَّذي أَضحى بِهِ
نَهجُ العَدالةِ واضحُ الأَعلامِ
٤١. نَشرَ الأَمانَ عَلى المَسالكِ فَاِنبَرى
بِثَناهُ يَحدو كُلّ رَبِّ خِطامِ
٤٢. وَشَدَت بِمنَّتِهِ البِلادُ وَمَن ثَوى
فيها مِن الأَعرابِ وَالأَعجامِ
٤٣. ولِمنطِقِ التأْريخِ خَتمٌ بالدُّعا
لِعُلاهُ أَرِّخْ وهو خيرُ خِتامِ