
This is a station for the gnostics that has become

هذا مقام للمعارف قد غدا

1. This is a station for the gnostics that has become
Radiant with the splendor of the Savior's lights.

١. هَذا مَقامٌ لِلمَعارفِ قَد غَدا
بِبَهاءِ أَنوارِ المُخلِّصِ مُشرِقا

2. Its chronicler has adorned its gate,
For the dawn of knowledge has shone in the heavens of piety.

٢. وافى مُؤرِّخُهُ فَخَطَّ بِبابهِ
قَد لاحَ صُبحُ العلمِ في فَلكِ التُقى