1. The venerable Sheikh Anton al-Biridi took up residence
In a tomb may God water him with his mercy continuously
١. ثَوَى الشَيخُ أَنطون البريديِّ نازِلاً
ضَريحاً سَقاهُ اللَّهُ رَحمَتَهُ تَتَرى
2. A generous man mourned by the sword, the guest, and the villages
Merit and decorum wept for him openly
٢. كَريمٌ بَكاهُ السَيفُ وَالضَيفُ وَالقِرى
وَناحَ عَلَيهِ الفَضلُ وَالشِّيَمُ الغَرّا
3. He left behind in every heart a sadness
And with God attained his greatest wish
٣. مَضى تارِكاً في كُلِّ قَلبٍ كَآبةً
وَقَد نالَ عندَ اللَهِ مِنيتَهُ الكُبرى
4. So if you ever date history, say about it
O you who settled in the House of Bliss - good tidings to you
٤. فَإِن تَنظمِ التاريخَ يوماً فَقُل بِهِ
أَيا مَن ثَوى دارَ النَعيمِ لَكَ البُشرى