1. The eyes of the people of Shamail weep for the virtuous one,
The noble virtues mourned his death when he passed away.
١. أَبكى عُيونَ بَني الشَميلِ فاضلٌ
ناحَت لِمَصرَعِهِ المَكارمُ إِذ مَضى
2. A courageous man who lived his life in pious reverence of God,
Until he left us as destiny had willed.
٢. شَهمٌ قَضى بِتُقى الإِله حَياتَهُ
حَتى مَضى عَنا كَما شاءَ القَضا
3. He attained the reward of those patient with tribulation,
As he always surrendered to the will of God.
٣. قَد نالَ أَجرَ الصّابرينَ عَلى البَلا
إِذ لَم يَزَل لِرَضَى الإِله مُفوَّضا
4. And the recorder of history proclaimed,
"He has come to rest in the station of Abraham, pleased."
٤. ومُسطِّرُ التّاريخِ نادى قائِلاً
بِمَقامِ إبراهيمَ قَد نَزَلَ الرِّضَى