
O Muzaanar's children, patience - for the shade has

بني المزنر صبرا إن نظلة قد

1. O Muzaanar's children, patience - for the shade has
Offered its prayer to its Forgiving Lord as it cried out -

١. بَنِي المُزَنَّرِ صَبراً إِنَّ نَظلةَ قَد
لَبَّت دُعا رَبِّها الغَفّارِ إِذ هَتَفا

2. Bakr has risen among the virgins' sky at dawn
Leaving behind in our protection sorrow and grief -

٢. بَكرٌ غَدَت في سَما الأَبكارِ راتعةً
وَخَلَّفَت في حِمانا الحُزنَ وَالأَسَفا

3. She spent eighteen years with us then departed
Like a visitor who passed through the neighborhoods and left -

٣. قَضَت ثَمانِيَ عَشراً عِندَنا وَمَضَت
كَزائرٍ مَرَّ في الأَحياءِ وَاِنصَرَفا

4. That's why her elegist stands in history
Crying for a branch in its youth that was broken off -

٤. لِذاكَ قامَ لَدى التاريخِ نادِبُها
يَبكي عَلى غُصنِ بانٍ في الصِّبا قُصِفا