
He has stripped his soul of this world, detached,

قد جرد النفس عن دنياه منقطعا

1. He has stripped his soul of this world, detached,
To serve God in word and deed;

١. قَد جَرّدَ النَفسَ عَن دُنياهُ مُنقَطِعاً
لِخدمةِ اللَّهِ في قَولٍ وَفي عَمَلِ

2. So write in his history a rank which states:
John has ascended to the Throne with the Lamb.

٢. فَاِكتُب لِتاريخِهِ دَرْجاً تَقولُ بِهِ
قَد حَلَّ في العَرشِ يوحنّا مَعَ الحَمَلِ