
Maron, pillar of our valley, has passed away,

قد حل مارون خورينا هنا فبكى

1. Maron, pillar of our valley, has passed away,
Making the generous clan shed bloody tears.

١. قَد حَلَّ مارونُ خورَّينا هُنا فَبَكى
آلَ الجَميلِ دَمعاً بِالدِّما هَتَنا

2. He was to us an exemplar in righteousness and piety,
His noble deeds matched the goodness of his words.

٢. قَد كانَ في البِرِّ وَالتَقوى لَنا مَثَلاً
يُقارِنُ الوَعظَ مِنهُ فِعلُهُ الحَسَنا

3. He has gone to meet his Lord, the All-Forgiving,
To dwell in a garden knowing neither sorrow nor distress.

٣. مَضى إِلى رَبِّهِ الغَفّارِ حَيثُ غَدا
في جَنةٍ ما حَوَت غَمّاً وَلا حَزَناً