
The family of the beloved wept as he departed,

قد ناح آل حبيب حوا راحلا

1. The family of the beloved wept as he departed,
And went forth, attaining mercy and bliss.

١. قَد ناحَ آلُ حَبيب حَوّا راحِلاً
وَلَّى فَفازَ بَرَحمةٍ وَنَعيمِ

2. A pillar - torn down by the storm of demise,
Yet his legacy remains, undestroyed.

٢. رُكنٌ لَقَد هَدَمَتهُ عاصِفَةُ الرَّدى
وَثَناهُ باقٍ لَيسَ بِالمَهدومِ

3. He was a refuge in adversity, sought
For good, hoped for by all the great.

٣. قَد كانَ غَوثاً في الخُطوبِ وَمَقصِداً
لِلخَيرِ مَرجوّاً لِكُلِّ عَظيمِ

4. He lived in righteousness his allotted time
Until the destined end came to him.

٤. وَلَقَد قَضى بِالبِرِّ مُدَّتَهُ إِلى
أَن جاءَهُ أَجَلُ القَضا المَحتومِ

5. He obeyed the Caller's summons and came
A noble guest, in the neighborhood of the noble.

٥. لَبّى دُعا الباري فَأَمسى عِندَهُ
ضَيفاً كَريماً في جِوارِ كَريمِ

6. And there did history truthfully proclaim:
Lazarus entered Abraham's bosom.

٦. وَهُنالكَ التّاريخُ أَعلَنَ صادِقاً
قَد حَلَّ عازَرَ حِضنَ إِبراهيمِ