
Visit the grave of the generous Tannous, for it is

زر قبر طنوس الكريم فإنه

1. Visit the grave of the generous Tannous, for it is
A pillar that will tomorrow be undermined by the tomb.

١. زُر قَبرَ طَنوسَ الكَريمَ فَإِنَّهُ
رَكنٌ غَدا طَيَّ الضَريحِ مَقوّضا

2. He made the noble Bani Nasr weep blood as
He made virtues and glories weep when he passed away.

٢. أَبكى بَنِي نَصرَ الكِرامَ دَماً كَما
أَبكى الفَضائلَ وَالمَعالي إِذ مَضى

3. Indeed he spent his time doing good until
His grave was visited as decreed by fate.

٣. وَلَقَد قَضى بِالخَيرِ مُدَّتَهُ إِلى
أَن زارَ حُفرَتَهُ كَما شاءَ القَضا

4. Say peace be upon your grave and may
Mercy and contentment always accompany you.

٤. فَقُلِ السَلامُ عَلى ثَراكَ وَلا تَزل
أَرَّخَتُ تَصحبك المَراحِمُ وَالرِضى