1. Michael has journeyed far, departing steadfast;
Eyes of merit wept at his leaving.
١. قَد سارَ ميخائيلُ حوّا راحِلاً
فَبَكَت عُيونُ الفَضلِ عِندَ مِضيِّهِ
2. Valiant, he suffered grief and settled in the dust;
His grave is watered by the rain of his Master's clemency.
٢. شَهمٌ قَضى أَسَفاً فَحَلَّ بتُربةٍ
يَسقي ثَراها العَفو فَيضَ وَليِّهِ
3. He withstood tribulations with the patience of the pious,
And with God has earned the reward of his piety,
٣. قَد قاومَ البَلوى بِصَبرِ ذَوي التُقَى
فَأَصابَ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَجرَ تَقيِّهِ
4. Until he came to rest, hosted in his Lord's Paradise,
Sheltered there beneath the wing of His Sublimity.
٤. حَتّى ثَوى أَرِّخ بِجَنَّةِ رَبِّهِ
وَهُناكَ ظلَّلهُ جَناحُ سميِّهِ