
O guide of pearls between ink and paper

يا مهدي الدر بين الحبر والورق

1. O guide of pearls between ink and paper
With their adornments necklaces have girded my neck

١. يا مُهدي الدُّرِّ بَينَ الحبرِ وَالوَرَقِ
قَلائِداً بِحُلاها طوَّقَتْ عُنُقِي

2. Those rhymes that like flowers have bloomed
Blossoming in splendid, brilliant attire on paths

٢. تِلكَ القَوافي الَّتي كَالزَهرِ قَد طَلَعَت
تَزهو بِثَوبِ طِرازٍ باهرٍ الطُّرُقِ

3. From every maiden I met, radiant, she came forth
A cup with which I got drunk, and did not awaken

٣. مِن كُلِّ عَذراءَ وَافَت تَنجَلي فَجَلَت
كَأساً أَصَبتُ بِها سُكراً فَلَم أُفِقِِ

4. Extended by the black-hearted one whom she seduced
So that among her envious ones were those black of eye

٤. أَطَلتها أَسود القَلبِ الَّذي فَتَنَت
فَكانَ مِن حاسِديهِ أَسوَد الحَدقِ

5. A beloved whom the passionate heart clung to
Yet man was only created from a clot

٥. رَبيبةٌ علِقَ القَلبُ الشَجِيُّ بِها
وَإِنَّما خُلقَ الإِنسانُ مِن عَلَقِ

6. The excellent descriptor gifted her with it
A past, like the flashing light, set forth

٦. أَهدى بِها بارعُ الأَوصافِ باهِرُها
ماضي بَنان كَمَرِّ البَرقِ مُنطَلقِ

7. A youth who busied himself with literature
While the likes of him busied themselves with frivolity and waste

٧. فَتىً لَقَد باتَ بِالآدابِ مُشتَغِلاً
وَباتَ أَمثالَهُ بِاللَهوِ وَالنَزقِ

8. A heart, kindled by the fire of wisdom
Flowing with speech like pouring rain

٨. ذَكيُّ قَلبٍ بِنارِ الحلم مُتّقدٌ
جَرى بنَطقٍ كَسَيلِ المُزنِ مَندَفقِ

9. And excellent for the youth is wisdom that adorns him
His judgment not lacking the Chapter of Daybreak

٩. وَحَبّذا في الفَتى حِلمٌ يَزيِّنُهُ
وَفودُهُ غَيرَ تالٍ سورةَ الفَلَقِ

10. For the youth's perfection is not in white hair
Rather, the youth's perfection is in character

١٠. فَما كمَالُ الفَتى بِالشَيبِ في شعرٍ
لَكِن كَمالُ الفَتى بِالشيبِ في الخُلُقِِ