1. For the members of the Farraj family after Lucia there is grief
That stirs the hearts and brings forth flowing tears
١. لِبَني فَريجٍ بَعدَ لوسِيّا أَسىً
أَذكى القُلوبَ وَمَدمَعٌ مِدرارُ
2. Of the honorable Anhoury family, a noble group
Whose fates betrayed with their treachery
٢. مِن آلِ عَنحوري كَريمةُ مَعشرٍ
غَدَرَت بِها في فَتكِها الأَقدارُ
3. She joined John the noble, her companion
Together hosted by God in His abode
٣. لَحِقَت بيوحَنّا الكَريمَ قَرينَها
فَحَواهُما عِندَ الإِلَه جِوارُ
4. Life passed with righteousness
And Paradise was attained by the likes of her, the virtuous
٤. قَضَتِ الحَياةُ بِعيشةٍ مَبرورةٍ
حازَ النَعيمُ بِمثلِها الأَبرارُ
5. So God Most High chose her for His kingdom
I record this and give glad tidings to those who are chosen
٥. فَاِختارَها اللَّهُ العَليُّ لِمُلكِهِ
أَرَّخَتُ وَالبُشرى لِمَن يُختارُ