1. A dwelling in which the Eternal settled, coming
From the Presence of the Merciful, the best of neighbors.
١. مَثوىً بِهِ نَزَلَ المُقيمُ ميمِّماً
مِن حَضرةِ الرَحمنِ خَير جِوارِ
2. So if you stand by it, pray blessings on a grave
That was showered with the Compassionate Forgiver's mercies.
٢. فَإِذا وَقَفت بِهِ فَصلِّ عَلى ثَرىً
سَكَبَت عَلَيهِ مَراحم الغفّارِ
3. And ask well-being for the one its people covered,
On the day they adorned the loveliest spot on earth.
٣. وَسَلِ الرِضى عَمَّن حَواهُ مَن بَنِي
سَلومَ مزهرَ يَومَ عُقبى الدّارِ
4. That by standing here now we might profit by its date
And be assembled at the Resurrection with the righteous.
٤. لِنَفوزَ مِن تاريخِه بوُقُوفِنا
في الحَشر بَينَ جَماعةِ الأَبرارِ