1. The clan of Taqala lost a dear one who passed
Swiftly as fate's decree had willed
١. فَقَدَت بَنُو تَقلا عَزيزاً قَد مَضى
عَجَلاً كَما شاءَ القَضا المَحتومُ
2. Like a bough in Lebanon blown down
By the wind of death, fallen and shattered
٢. كَالغُصنِ في لُبنان قَد عَصَفَت بِهِ
رِيحُ المَنونِ فَخرَّ وَهوَ هَشيمُ
3. He grieved the politicians and nobles alike
As prose and verse mourned after him
٣. أَبكى السياسةَ وَالعَلاءَ كَما بَكى
مِن بَعدِهِ المَنثورُ وَالمَنظومُ
4. And he went to eternal life, gathered to
His Creator, blissful and content
٤. وَلَقَد مَضى نَحوَ البَقاءِ فَضَمَّهُ
بِجِوارِ خالقِهِ رِضىً وَنَعيمُ
5. So you came in history, speaking most eloquently
He has gone to the abode of peace, unharmed
٥. فَأَتيتَ بِالتّاريخِ أَلفُظُ قائِلاً
قَد حَلَّ في دارِ السَلامِ سَليمُ