1. Rufael mourned when Pharaoh's companion passed away
She who sought the greatest of fortunes
١. لَقَد ناحَ رُوفائيلُ فِرعون إِذ مَضَت
قَرينَتُهُ تَبغي سَعادَتها العُظمى
2. A maiden like a tender branch, storms blew
Upon her from the fates, so she was broken unfairly
٢. فَتاةٌ كَغُصنِ البانِ هَبَّت عَواصفٌ
عَلَيها مِنَ الأَقدارِ فَاِنقَصَفَت ظُلما
3. She made the children of Khoury taste a burning grief
And her children tasted orphanhood before knowing her
٣. أَذاقَت بَنِي الخَورِي مِنَ الحُزنِ جَمرةً
وَذاقَ بَنُوها قَبلَ عَرفانِها اليُتْما
4. So the tongue of fate proclaimed, record and be patient
For Asma has come to dwell in the highest abode
٤. فَنادى لِسانُ الحالِ أَرِّخ تَصَبَّروا
فَقَد أَصبَحَتْ أَسماءُ في المَنزل الأَسمى