
The sons of Al-Atiqi lamented the loss of a flourishing branch,

ناحت بنو العتقي غصنا ناضرا

1. The sons of Al-Atiqi lamented the loss of a flourishing branch,
Eyes shed tears of sorrow for his demise.

١. ناحَت بَنو العَتقِيِّ غُصناً ناضِراً
أَجرى لِمَصرَعِهِ العُيونُ تَأسُّفا

2. On the twenty sixth he was laid to rest in the soil,
And his soul attained the most noble bliss.

٢. في الستِّ وَالعشرينَ حلَّ بِتُربةٍ
وَالنَفسُ أَدرَكَتِ النَعيمَ الأَشرَفا

3. Thus did I inscribe in my poetry as historian,
That pure bliss was destined for Samaan Al-Safa.

٣. وَلِذا كَتَبَتُ مُؤرِّخاً نَظمي بِها
إِن النَعيمَ صَفا لِسمَعانَ الصَّفا