
Gone from the family of Haydar are those who wept for him,

مضى عن آل حيدر من بكته

1. Gone from the family of Haydar are those who wept for him,
The eyes of nobility and honorable lineage.

١. مَضى عَن آلِ حَيدرَ من بَكتهُ
عُيونُ الفَضلِ وَالحَسبِ الأَثيلِ

2. He was a refuge for the oppressed,
And a sea for the hopeful and the refugee.

٢. سَرِيٌّ كانَ لِلمَظلومِ كَهفاً
وَبَحراً لِلمؤمِّلِ وَالنَزيلِ

3. He settled on a land where prayers are recited for him
In the mornings and at night.

٣. ثَوى أَرضاً بِها الأَورادُ تُتلى
عَلَيهِ في الصَباحِ وَفي الأَصيلِ

4. And my date proclaims at all times,
"Greetings are due upon the Friend."

٤. وَتاريخي يُنادي كُلَّ حينٍ
لَقَد وَجَبَ السَلامُ عَلى الخَليلِ