1. Drowsy in the gloom of nights, slumbering,
And life entirely a dream,
١. مُقَلٌ في دُجى العَرورِ نِيامُ
وَحَياةٌ جَميعُها أَحلامُ
2. Every eye in the darkness, yet
Dreams have changed what darkness wrought.
٢. كُلُّ عَينٍ تَحتَ الظَلامِ وَلَكن
بَدَّلَ الحلمُ ما أَجنَّ الظَلامُ
3. A sleep whose age was prolonged that ended it
A sleep that had no ending after it,
٣. رَقدةٌ طالَ عَهدُها فَتَلَتها
رَقدةٌ لَم يَكُن يَليها اِنصِرامُ
4. Each busied with their life while death
Stands guard around souls awake.
٤. هام كُلٌّ بِعَيشِهِ وَالمَنايا
راصِداتٌ حَولَ النُفوسِ قِيامُ
5. Life was cut short under length of hope,
Imaginations strayed in its expanse.
٥. قَصُرَ العُمرُ تَحتَ طُولِ رَجاءٍ
شَرَدَت في مَجالِهِ الأَوهامُ
6. Had the youth wanted to fulfill his wishes,
Days would have been too narrow for it.
٦. لَو أَرادَ الفَتى قَضاءَ أَماني
هِ لَضاقَت مِن دونِها الأَيَّامُ
7. Each day a renewed pretext that resembled doubt,
What pigeons have no doubt in.
٧. كُلُّ يَومٍ تَعِلَّةٌ شابها الشَّكْ
كُ وَما لا يُشكُّ فيهِ الحِمامُ
8. Under this soil some men lie
While over it men's soil lie.
٨. تَحتَ هَذا الرُّغامِ مِنهُ رِجالٌ
وَعَلَيهِ مِن رِجالٍ رغامُ
9. The dead leveled with dust, and between
The dead and alive a connection and pact.
٩. وَاِستَوى المَيتُ وَالتُرابُ وَبَين ال
مَيتِ وَالحَيِّ نسبةٌ وَالتِئامُ
10. O you who left from us
To a dominion made good for stay
١٠. أَيُّها الراحلُ الَّذي سارَ عَنَّا
نَحوَ عَرشٍ قَد طابَ فيهِ المُقامُ
11. And the body was concealed in shade of a grave
You gained after what bodies contest.
١١. وَتَوارى بِالجسمِ في ظلِّ لَحدٍ
نَحلت بَعَد مَن بِهِ الأَجسامُ
12. In it lies hearts' love. Do tears
Still spill over you, you honorable one?
١٢. إِن فيهِ حبَّ القُلوب فَهَل تَن
بِتُه فَوقك الدُموعُ السِجامُ
13. O how you have left a trace of sadness,
And in death lies what is not hoped for.
١٣. يا لَكَ اللَهُ ما أَثَرتَ مِن الحُز
ن وَفي المَوت وِردُ ما لا يُرامُ
14. God did not watch a night against you that
Made communities don its darkness.
١٤. لا رَعى اللَهُ لَيلةً بِكَ أَودَت
فَاِكتَسَت مِن سَوادِها الأَقوامُ
15. Your heart was struck by an arrow from love
Causing many a heart to have adhesions.
١٥. قَد رَمى قَلبَكَ الحِمامُ بِسَهمٍ
كَثُرَت مِنهُ في القُلوبِ الكُلومُ
16. So you freely left life and no
Passion for it possessed you before.
١٦. فَتَرَكَتَ الحَياةَ طَوعاً وَلَم يش
غَلْكَ قَبلاً بِها حُسناً مُستَهامُ
17. You continued looking at it with an eye
In whose eyelid were specks and sickness.
١٧. لَم تَزَل ناظِراً إَلَيها بِعَينٍ
هِيَ في جَفنِها قَذىً وَسَقامُ
18. And you journeyed to your Lord, seeking
Near Him eternity, and life is perfected.
١٨. وَتَرَحَّلتَ نَحوَ رَبِّكَ تَبغِي
عِندَهُ الخُلدَ وَالحَياةُ لِمامُ
19. No grief remains after you, but
That is what love and infatuation required.
١٩. ما تَفِي بَعدَكَ الشُجونُ وَلَكن
تِلكَ مِما اِقتَضى الهَوى وَالذِّمامُ
20. Loss took away a gentle, pure youth,
Honored before in favors and nobilities.
٢٠. غَلَّ مِنكَ الرَّدى بَناناً نَضاهُ ال
بِرُّ قَبلاً وَالمُكرَماتُ العِظامُ
21. Your noble self transcended dust
Elevated by reverence and honor.
٢١. وَعَلا ذاتِكَ الكَريمةُ تُربٌ
قَد عَلاهُ الإِجلالُ وَالإكرامُ
22. So over your grave clouds flow,
And over your soul satisfaction and peace.
٢٢. فَعَلى قَبرِكَ السَحائبُ تَجري
وَعَلى نَفسِكَ الرِضى وَالسَلامُ