
The people of Karkur wept when

لقد ناحت بنو كركور لما

1. The people of Karkur wept when
Anton departed to the abode of missiles.

١. لَقد ناحَت بَنو كَركور لَمّا
غَدا أَنطونُ في طَيِّ الرِّجامِ

2. He was an exemplar of piety,
And of doing good among people.

٢. كَريمٌ كانَ للتقوى مِثالاً
وَفعلِ الخَيرِ ما بَينَ الأَنامِ

3. He took righteousness as his companion,
Until he came to dwell in the abode of peace.

٣. قَد اِتَّخَذَ الصَلاحَ لَهُ رَفيقاً
إِلى أَن حَلَّ في دارِ السَلامِ

4. So his soul poured forth mercies abundantly,
And his ashes were watered by the rain of clouds.

٤. فَجادَت نَفسهُ الرَحماتِ أَرِّخ
وَرَوّى رَمسَهُ مَطرَ الغَمامِ