1. A son to Mikhail, newly arrived in
Lebanon, so the wishes smiled at his freshness
١. نَجلٌ لميخائيلَ غرّةَ جاءَ في
لُبنانَ فَاِبتَسَمَت لغرَّتهِ المُنى
2. Radiant, he filled hearts with his visit
Good tidings, and eyes sparkled at meeting him
٢. رَيّانُ قَد مَلأَ القُلوبَ بِوَفدِهِ
بِشَراً وَسَرَّ بِمُلتَقاهُ الأَعيُنا
3. He came while the night of events was overcast
So he dispelled its darkness with the dawn’s radiance
٣. وافَى وَليلُ الحادِثاتِ مخيِّمٌ
فَجَلا غَياهِبَهُ باشراقِ السَنَى
4. The historian tied it to his encounter
Gabriel, announce the joy and delight
٤. فَشَدا المُؤرِّخُ فيهِ حينَ لِقائِهِ
جَبريلُ بَشِّر بِالمَسَرَّةِ وَالهَنا