
Be as you may, you were inevitably blamed

كن كيفما كنت لا بدع كفيت بلا

1. Be as you may, you were inevitably blamed
I have endured blame with him, enough of avoidance

١. كَن كَيفَما كَنتَ لا بِدعَ كُفيتَ بَلاً
لَدَيهِ كابدتُ لَوماً لِلعَذول كَفى

2. A secret appeared to my people I was hiding
As I covered myself with grief before them

٢. بَدا لِقَوميَ سرٌّ كُنتُ كاتِمهُ
كَما كَسيت لَدَيهِم بِالضَّنى كَلفا

3. You have relieved a liver with yearning, how much was taken
As I seared a kidney, it relieved anguish

٣. بَرَّحتَ لي كَبِداً بِالشَوقِ كَم سُلِبَت
كَما كَويتُ كلىً بَرّحتُها لَهَفا

4. As if I was a confused lover, a plaything of passion
That is an exposition of the ways of love, it has revealed

٤. كَأَنَّما كُنتُ لاهٍ بِالهوى لِعباً
وَذاكَ شِرحُ ضُروبِ الحُبِّ قَد كَشَفا