1. Gregory the shepherd of shepherds has passed away
From the abode of trials to the home of mercies
١. مَضى غِريغورِيُوسْ راعي الرُعاةِ إِلى
دارِ المَراحِمِ عَن دارِ الملماتِ
2. A skillful writer, when he passed away the throne of glory shook
And after him a pillar of great tasks collapsed
٢. حَبرٌ قَد اِنثَلَّ عَرشُ المَجدِ حينَ مَضى
وَاِنهَدَّ مِن بَعدِهِ رُكنُ المُهِماتِ
3. O Lord of the efforts whose beauties he adorned
He filled the natures with various kinds of blessings
٣. رَبُّ المَساعي الَّتي زانَت مَحاسِنُها
غرّ السَجايا بِأَنواعِ المبرّاتِ
4. He revived knowledge so his remembrance lived
And watered its plants with firm hands
٤. أَحيا العُلومَ فَأَحيَت ذكرَهُ وَسَقى
غِراسَها بِالأَيادي الحاتِمياتِ
5. O star disappeared from the lands of the East, how much
He illuminated with splendid shining gleams
٥. يا كَوكَباً عَن دِيارِ الشَرقِ غابَ وَكَم
جَلَّى بِها مِن دياجٍ مُدلَهِمّاتِ
6. And the hands of fate have refrained from us recording
A day to shine in the horizon of the heavens
٦. وَارَتْكَ أَيدي القَضا عَنّا مُؤَرِخَةً
يَوماً لِتُشرقَ في أُفْقِ السَماواتِ