
The conditions of life have adorned every garden in Tripoli,

جاد الحيا كل روض في طرابلس

1. The conditions of life have adorned every garden in Tripoli,
Indicating a fragrant garden of superior virtue,

١. جادَ الحيا كُلَّ رَوضٍ في طَرابُلسِ
يَنم عَن رَوضِ فَضلٍ عاطرِ النَفَسِ

2. A garden whose growth the clouds of divine knowledge have watered
With droplets of flowing pearls like dewdrops.

٢. رَوضٌ سَقَت سُحُبُ العِرفانِ مَنبَتَهُ
بِكُل وَدَق هتونِ الدُرِّ مُنبَجِسِ

3. It has grown and become tall, reviving every desert,
So we do not care about the barren, arid plain.

٣. نَمى وَطالَ فَأَحيا كُلَّ باديةٍ
فَما نُبالي بِجَدبِ المَرَبعِ اليَبِسِ

4. God has established an association which has been successful and united
Within its ranks every skillful, elite archer,

٤. لِلّهِ جَمعيةٌ صَحَّت وَقَد جَمَعَت
في سلكِها كُلّ نَدبٍ بارعٍ نَدِسِ

5. Of every night watcher whose only ambition
Is in the assemblies of the stars, not in churches.

٥. مِن كُلِّ ساهرِ لِيلٍ جُلّ بُغيتِهِ
في كُنَّسِ النَجمِ لا الآرامَ في الكنسِ

6. They are a people whose faces illuminate the darkness, and
From their ideas, meteors flash through the gloom,

٦. قَومٌ وجوهُهُم تَجلو الظَلامَ وَمِن
أَفكارِهِم تَتَتارى الشُهبُ في الغَلَسِ

7. Benefits flow from their pens, and through them
The thirsty have attained an unstinting spring,

٧. تَجري الفَوائدُ مِن أَقلامِهِم وَبِها
نالَ العِطاشُ مَعيناً غَيرَ مُحتَبِسِ

8. A meadow for every enthusiast, a spirit for the despondent,
Sustenance for the seeker, light for the igniter.

٨. رِيٌّ لِكُلِّ صَد روح لِذي كَمَدٍ
غُنمٌ لملتَمِسٍ نورٌ لمقتبِسِ

9. They have renewed the lost vitality of ancient knowledge in
An era we see competing with the era of Andalusia,

٩. قَد جَددوا نَضرَةَ العلمِ القَديمةِ في
عَصرٍ نَراهُ يُباهي عَصرَ أَندَلُسِ

10. In a city whose glories have an influence
That has persisted elevated in every age,

١٠. في بَلدَةٍ لِمَعالي فَخرِها أَثرٌ
ما زالَ في كُلِّ عَصرٍ غَيرَ مُندَرِسِ

11. It has endured so that no Arab or Persian city
Has paralleled it in its virtues,

١١. طالَت فَما طاوَلَتها في فَضائِلِها
مَدينة مِن بِلاد العُربِ وَالفُرسِ

12. Say to whoever intends to date its glory out of greed
That every civilization falls short of Tripoli.

١٢. فَقُل لِمَن رامَ أَرِّخ نَدّها طَمَعاً
قَد قَصَّرَت كُل مِصرٍ عَن طَرابُلُسِ