
A drawing of him from the family of Hajja, a rider,

رمس به من آل حجة راحل

1. A drawing of him from the family of Hajja, a rider,
Youthful like a sharpened sword,

١. رَمسٌ بِهِ مِن آلِ حَجَّةَ راحلٌ
زاهي الشَبيبةِ كَالحُسامِ المُرهَفِ

2. Turned without fruit, so nothing was left
Except the tear of the sorrowful and the sigh of the yearner.

٢. وَلَّى بِلا ثَمَرٍ فَلَم يُترَك سِوى
دَمعَ الحَزينِ وَحَسرَةَ المُتلَهِّفِ

3. He was always the aim of the beautiful, and never ceased to be
The quickest to aid the needs of the determined.

٣. قَد كانَ مَقصودَ الجَميلِ وَلَم يَزَل
لِحَوائجِ القَصّادِ أَسرَعَ مُسعِفِ

4. And God has fulfilled for him the best of His rewards
When he was among people the most truthful of the loyal.

٤. وَلَقَد وَفَاهُ اللَّهُ خَيرَ ثَوابِهِ
إِذ كانَ بَينَ الناسِ أَصدَقَ مَن يَفِي

5. So he answered the date of mercy as a witness
Having won the subtle kindness of God through his own kindness.

٥. فَأَجابَ تاريخَ المَراحمِ شاهِداً
قَد فازَ لُطفَ اللَّهِ بِاللُّطفِ الخَفِي