1. This is the tomb of a generous man of a people, above it
Prayers are recited at dawn and dusk.
١. هَذا ضَريحُ كَريمِ قَومٍ فَوقَهُ
تُتلَى المَراحمُ في ضُحىً وأَصيلِ
2. From the family of Zilzal, from the elite clan,
Who was the crown jewel of the crown.
٢. مِن آلِ زِلزلَ مِن سراةِ عَشيرةٍ
قَد كانَ فيهِم دُرَّةَ الأكليلِ
3. And he has certainly passed away with God, moving on to
The abode of bliss, arriving at the best refuge.
٣. وَلَقَد قَضى بِاللَهِ مُنتَقِلاً إِلى
دارِ النَعيمِ فَحَلَّ خَيرَ مَقِيلِ
4. And with his delegation, the angels of the Most High dated,
They came, greeted, and met the face of Gabriel.
٤. وَبِوَفدِهِ أَرِّخ ملائكةَ العُلا
وافَت فَحَيَّت وَجهَ جِبرائيلِ