1. Time preyed on treasures he had stored,
Leaving naught but grief when life was o'er.
١. ذُخرٌ أَغارَ عَلَيهِ الدَهرُ مُستَلِباً
فَلَم يَدَعُ بَعدَهُ غَيرَ الأَسى عِوَضا
2. His soul he freely to his Lord resigned,
Seeking His mercy, hoping peace to find.
٢. قَد أَطلَقَ النَفسَ نَحوَ اللَّهِ فَاِنطَلَقَت
تَرجو لَها رَحمةٍ مِن عِندِهِ وَرِضى
3. Thus I record, Yusuf has passed away
From life's confinement to rewards for aye.
٣. لِذاكَ سَطَرَتُ أَرِّخْ أَنَّ يوسُفَ مِن
سِجنِ الحَياةِ لِإِكليلِ الجَزاءِ مَضَى
4. Visit his grave, one of the virtuous and wise,
Whose eyes were quenched when honor bade him rise.
٤. زُر مَضجَعاً باتَ مِن آلِ الجَدِيِّ بِهِ
شَهمُ سَقَتهُ عُيونُ المَجدِ حينَ قَضى