1. From the family of Fayyad, a valiant one who fulfilled his duty and passed away
A grave watered by calamities from shed blood
١. مِن آلِ فَيّاضَ شَهمٌ قَد قَضى فَثَوى
قَبراً سَقَتهُ المَآقي مِن دَمِ المُهَجِ
2. A generous man of a people, he had a helping hand in good deeds
His reputation remains and leaves behind the sweetest fragrance
٢. كَريمُ قَومٍ لَهُ في المَكرُماتِ يَدٌ
مَضَت وَأَبقَت ثَناءً أَطيَبَ الأَرَجِ
3. He has descended under the earth with his body reposing
While his soul ascends on high, to the most exalted rank
٣. قَد حَلَّ تَحتَ الثَرى بِالجسمِ مُندَرِجاً
وَنَفسُهُ في العُلَى في أَرفَعِ الدّرَجِ
4. So the date inscribed on a tablet says with confused letters
Oh grave! May God's kindness visit you, so rejoice!
٤. فَقالَ تاريخُ الواحٍ أَخطٌ بِها
يا قَبرُ زاركَ لُطفُ اللَّهِ فَاِبتَهَجِ