
Saad's pairing with Michael has come to pass

لميخائيل تم قران سعد

1. Saad's pairing with Michael has come to pass
The star of bliss for him a mate has won

١. لميخائيلَ تمَّ قِرانُ سعدٍ
غَدا نَجمُ الهَناءِ لَهُ قَرينا

2. The hand of fortune with him now doth clasp
And his right hand doth friendship's grip take on

٢. لَقَد أَمسَت بِهِ كَفُّ الثُرَيا
تَصافِحُ مِن أَناملِهِ اليَمينا

3. His greetings are with smiles that joy impart
To gladden eyes and fill each heart with cheer

٣. وَحيَّتهُ الأَماني باسماتٍ
فَاِبهجَتِ الخَواطِرَ وَالعُيونا

4. And history marks the date with words that start
Good tidings of prosperity and heirs.

٤. وَقَد وافَت مؤرخةً فَنادَت
تُبَشِّرُ بِالرَفاءِ وَبِالبَنينا