1. This is the son of Yusuf from the tribe of Dabbas
The tears' streams have watered his soil
١. هَذا اِبن يوسُفَ مِن بَني الدَبّاسِ قَد
رَوَّت شَآبيبُ الدُموعِ تُرابَهُ
2. He was the only one and went on, leaving us no
Fruit by which the grieving could forget their calamity
٢. كانَ الوَحيدُ وَسارَ لَم يَترُك لَنا
ثَمَراً بِهِ يَنسى الحَزينُ مُصابَهُ
3. So write for him the date and remember that
God called His friend, so he answered
٣. فَاِكتُب لَهُ التاريخَ وَاِذكُر أَنَّهُ
نادى الإِلهُ خَليلَهُ فَأَجابَهُ