
Ibrahim came to you, a pure and gentle son

وافاك ابراهيم نجل قد صفا

1. Ibrahim came to you, a pure and gentle son
With him came joy, so his Lord's abode was blessed

١. وافاكَ ابراهيمُ نَجلٌ قَد صَفا
مَعَهُ السُرورُ فَطابَ مَوردُ ريِّهِ

2. The children of Beauty rejoiced in his face
And Michael returned after his departure

٢. سرَّت بَنِي الجمَّالِ طَلعةُ وَجهِهِ
وَاعادَ ميخائيلَ بَعدَ مضِيِّهِ

3. So he came to you in the name of the commander of God's army
And you came in the name of his chosen one

٣. فَأَتاكَ باِسمِ زَعيمِ جُندِ اللَهِ في
فَردوسِهِ وَأَتيتَ باِسمِ صَفِيِّهِ

4. Write it down as an auspicious date with his fortunate star
And may he live protected by his sharp sword

٤. دُم أَرِّخو جَذَلاً بِكَوكَبِ سَعدهِ
وَيَعيشُ مَحروساً بِسَيفِ سَميِّهِ