1. A drawing of the generous Ubayd al-Shawshani who rested
Like a sword worn down by the swift decree of fate
١. رمسٌ لعُّبودَ شوشاني الكَريمَ ثَوى
كَالسَيفِ قَد غالَهُ صَرفُ القَضا عَجلا
2. A magnanimous man has passed, and every passerby paused
The rain of contentment watered him, as did tears when they poured
٢. شهمٌ مَضى فَسقَتْهُ كُلّ غاديةٍ
غَيثُ الرِّضى وَسَقاهُ الدَمعُ إِذ هَطَلا
3. He lived life firmly upholding good, clinging
To God until fate took him in His pardon
٣. قَضى الحَياةَ يَفعلُ الخَيرَ مُعتَصِماً
بِاللَهِ حَتّى قَضى في عَفوِهِ أَجَلا
4. If you date his history, inscribe by his graveside
In the home of his Master Abdullah he came to settle
٤. ان رُمتَ تاريخَهُ سَطِّر بِمضجَعِهِ
في دارِ مَولاهُ عَبدِ اللَهِ قَد نَزَلا